Travis Gilbert


Profile Information:

Membership Category
Wedding Vendor
A little about yourself and what you have to offer this wedding community?
DJ and Lead Wedding Entertainment Director with Fonix Entertainment. Fonix is one of the most preferred entertainment vendors for wedding in the Southeast. Current winner of Brides Choice Award on Wedding Wire and Head Entertainment Director for many Bridal Organizations. I offer lots of advise regarding entertainment and music for weddings. Brides, Grooms, and Vendors are welcome to ask me a question. So if its "whats a good father daughter song" or :what should I look for in a good DJ" all you have to do is ask! I look forward to speaking with you soon!
Do you have a wedding website, blog, or registry link?
Wedding Vendors - Tell Us the Service That You Offer Brides
City (Do not abbreviate.)
United States

Comment Wall:

  • Christine Dyer

    Congrats! I have just given you a Featured Membership
    status because you have invited so many people to BridalTweet. Thank
    you! You now appear on the right side of every BridalTweet page AND at
    the top of our Members page! - Christine Dyer, Creator of BridalTweet