Are you noticing dark spots on your face or chest? These are sun/age spots also known as hyperpigmentation, which is the darkening of the skin caused by an increase of melanin. Regular sun exposure and an occasional sunburn contribute to hyperpigmentation as well as stress, hormones and environmental factors. It also causes premature aging.

Hyperpigmentation makes you appear older but this can be easily corrected with the effective treatments listed below.

Topical Skin Care Products – Bleaching agents such as hydroquinone are effective in eliminating dark spots from the skin. Hydroquinone is a melanin blocker that inhibits the production of new melanin through an exfoliation process. Hydroquinone should always be used under the supervision of a skin care specialist and is often recommended to be used in conjunction with other topical products that prepare, improve and protect the skin.

Microdermabrasion- This treatment performed by a skin care specialist uses mild abrasives to thoroughly exfoliate the skin by removing the dead skin cells revealing a healthier glow and promoting the production of new skin cells. A series of treatments yields the best results.

Mild Chemical Peels - The use of alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA’s) like glycolic or lactic acid or beta-hydroxy acids (BHA’s) such as salicylic acid effectively exfoliates the skin of dead skin cells while increasing cellular turnover ultimately reducing the hyperpigmenation. A series of these low-risk peels are recommended and should be performed by a licensed skin care specialist.

Skin resurfacing – laser and light based treatments such as Limelight or Pearl, performed by a plastic surgeon can erase the sun damage revealing a more even complexion and youthful glow. Usually one treatment in less than an hour is necessary with very little downtime.

For additional information on hyperpigmentation or to schedule a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon or licensed skin care consultant to discuss treatment options, contact the The Peer Group Plastic Surgery Center in Florham Park, New Jersey

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