Wedding Advice: What To Do With Your Wedding Dress After The Wedding

Nowadays brides are looking for way to leave a gentler carbon footprint on the earth.  Brides are looking for ways to have weddings that are more eco friendly and less wasteful.  If you are a bride that is looking for small yet tasteful way to celebrate your wedding, then continue reading.

Often times when you are shopping for a wedding dress, you tend to look for a wedding dress that makes you feel like a princess. Or you choose a wedding dress that made you cry the moment that you put it on, and of course we are all talking about tears of joy. For some of you brides, the final decision on which wedding dress to choose might very well boil down to budget. 

No matter how you came to the decision on your wedding dress, there is something else you should consider.  What happens when your big day has come and gone… danced the final dance, the floral arrangements have died, the cake has been eaten and it is time to make a decision on what to do with your dress.  You could hang it up in your closet and hope and wish that your daughter will someday want to be married in your wedding dress. You could sell it on a few websites that will allow you to post and sell it for free. But at the end of the day you could do something a little more unique and more eco friendly.  After all, you certainly want to leave a little bit smaller of a carbon footprint on the earth, we all do.

One creative idea is to recycle your dress by turning pieces of the dress into a baby blanket.  Turning parts of your wedding dress into a baby blanket is a wonderful and loving way to wrap your baby with the love that was declared on your wedding day. Parts of the dress can also be turned into a handmade diaper bag or a diaper holder.  Tons of matching creative things can all be made from your wedding dress; you just have to be open to the possibilities.  What makes this so easy to do, is the fact that your wedding dress will most likely be white.  So whether you have a boy or a girl, the matching set will be perfect for your child.  Start with looking for a seamstress or even a relative like your grandmother who would love the opportunity to create something for their great grandchild.

As long as you do something responsible with your wedding dress, and have it serve as a dual purpose, it will make you feel good inside that you’ve done a small part in protecting the earth.

To discover additional ideas on how to have a more eco friendly wedding, please visit Kishana at or email her at

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