What are your feelings about using wedding planning service contracts for "wedding planning" services? I was discussing this with a few other of my colleagues last evening. During that discussion, we were interested to learn from one another the number of others we knew that do not use them. My company philosophy is that a contract is absolutely necessary in order to set out expectations, and to protect the interests of our company, as well as those of the contracted clients.



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In this day and time a hand shake no longer constitutes a contract between two individuals. In order to insure that all parties are aware of what they are getting/giving. I have a contracts covering all aspects of my business. We perform multiple service, consulting and creation and design services. There are seperate contracts to cover both. See our work at http://www.metasflowers.com
Rhonda, what a terrific topic. I look at it from two perspectives: as a 'recovered' attorney and as a business mediator. As an attorney, I'd say its essential to have a contract for the reasons mentioned. You want everyone to know 'the corners of the deal' and what's expected, as well as, what won't be acceptable. Also, the act of signing a contract is a ritual that most people know and recognize as being significant. Find a lawyer to make you a template that you can fill in so it reflects your style, language, and requirements. It's worth spending the money I think.

As a peace-loving, collaboration junkie, I say the contract is only worth the paper it's written on. The true value is in the discussions that lead up to the agreement. That's where the real understandings are formed. I like to frame it as a way to protect our good relationship, make things go smoother and create a plan B, if necessary. I try to talk about how our responsibilities are interdependent- I can't do my job if they don't do theirs. That makes the terms of the agreement seem less arbitrary (this is how I do it) and more friendly (we want this outcome so we'll work this way). And, frankly, contract discussions are another chance for me to 'get to know my clients'. I think you'd agree you learn alot about people when you start talking money, right?

This is such an important topic I'm actually planning to do a Brideability Summit contracting next year. Not the legal stuff, but how to approach creating requirements and talking about them, which seems to be tough for some folks. Watch for the event notice in the next few weeks. Thanks for starting such a meaningful conversation!
This is an easy answer. NO BUSINESS should exist without a contract. PERIOD.
Anyone who thinks otherwise is not a professional.

Carolyn Burke - Wedding Liaison
I agree. A contact is a "must have" to assure the client you are a professional and to cover yourself if a 'bridezilla' grows within.
I struggled with the contract issue for a long time. My first contract was extremely long, and brides became wide-eyed when I handed it over. I hated burdening them with all that legalese before they had even hired me. I wonder if that even scared a few of them off!

After discussing it with my attorney, he showed me several portions that could be removed because they weren't really necessary for my services. I now use a very basic contract..... wedding date, package ordered, payment/deposit amounts, refund/cancellation policy.... and a few paragraphs where I ask the client to initial about using photos, my emergency kit items, and general liability. It's only 2 pages long (condensed from the original 7 pages). I also include a third page with their package details on it, so there is no question as to what they have ordered and what will be delivered.

I have discovered that it's extremely import to get at least these basic things in writing, because if you don't have it you could run across a client who will take advantage. Not to say every client will do that.....I've only had a couple during my years in business.... but the contract saved me on those specific occasions.
Amy I am glad you mentioned the fact of attached their package to the contract and I have them initial it that it is truly what they paid for. This act alone sealed me into safety on numerous occasions.


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