What is the best format you have used to help a bride create a budget? Excel, wedding program etc...

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We created our own format on Excel. We plugged in average prices of vendors in the area. This takes lots of research of your vendors. Keep every price sheet on hand that other vendors give you so you know how to price within the budget of the couple. pre plugging the numbers into excel makes it very easy in the long run.
I use an Excel program that lays out how much should be spent per major wedding detail (ie catering, music, photography..), based on the bride's target budget. It's really helpful and each bride can play around with it if she wants to see how far over/under she is going or how her allotted amounts would change should the budget go a little higher or lower. I also like the budget tracker on Brides.com, though it does not leave room for extras (like hiring a wedding planner!)
Excel is a great program to use, I'm trying to find examples to look at so I can develop my own style...thanks!


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