To my fellow wedding planners: Is there a website or something that you use to generate bridal leads? I have just moved locations and because of where I moved I can cover a lot more of the state, any suggestions?

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I've had good luck with Eventective too. I also use facebook to post any new items/events in the store.
I'm based in the UK and have the same problem. I get leads from, I contact them by email since the majority don't have a telephone number but hear nothing back. Any suggestions of websites I could use here.

I do all the local bridal shows and they give me leads after the show. In addition, I'm in "the perfect wedding guide" ( I think). They give us leads as part of our fee there too.
I also love Wedding Wire and AFWPI-Association for Wedding Professionals International
To to I use them and they are great. You can choose the area in the country where you want leads generated from.

Thank you.

Valerie Schneider
Hey Lindsey,

I actually work for a website called Gig Salad. It is the #1 free resource for event planners and those looking to plan an event. You can create a free profile and potential clients who go to our website looking for event planners can find you! We're in the top 5 on a Google search for "Hire an event planner Tennessee."

You can also use Gig Salad to find any services you need for a wedding you're planning, such as, make up artists, musicians, tent rentals, etc.

Hope we can help!
I have tried several lead sites and put out quite a lot of money for them but the best I've had success with is www.  and
The great thing with eventective is their guaranteed leads.  If a lead doesn't pan out, you can get a refund witin 30days so your purchase of the lead is refunded.  I haven't had many sales from it but the more leads you respond to the more percent you'll get.

Unfortunately Eventective has changed their process - they used to refund leads that didn't pan out but now you have to subscribe and it is not at all the same... bummer...

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the British traditional way, the bride LEADS her attendants down the isle. In Europe, the bride and groom walk in together.It's a pleasure to have a bridal lead.If any one needs help,you may use the wedding planner iPad app and make use of it.

Wow, everyone in this forum is awesome!!!. I had the opportunity to sign up for four places I never knew about.


Happy Holidays!!!


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