
I have just joined Bridal Tweet, this place is fantastic! I have a wedding blog Best Wedding Tips

which I have only had up and running for a little while, but it is great fun, and I plan to sell my sister's headpieces and veils from there.

I also have a selection of guides and articles that I write myself, or sometimes have written for me, I would like to offer one of these to everyone here as a free gift. You can offer it to your brides in your emails, newsletters or directly from your website. The guide is called "Planning the Perfect Wedding" and is available to download at Frugal Wedding Tips

I hope you find it useful, I will be uploading more of these guides which you can also use in the same way.

so glad I found this place, I can see myself becoming addicted quite quickly!

Angela :)

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ah, just realised I could upload the file here, so I have :)

FREE Giveaway: PINK Espresso Jewellery Collection



Good Luck!

Thanks for the guide! I'm always looking for resources to fill my brain with all things wedding :)

Hi Melina,

you are welcome :) I will try to find some more resources and post them here, or the links. Just need to remember where on my PC I have saved them :)


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