In a world of give and take it is hard to find good options for getting your name out there without having to pay a lot of money. This is especially hard when you are just starting out. We are a small company and doing all we can by word of mouth and our friends. We also have our website, and craigslist (which can look so cheap), and we now Bridal Tweet (yay!). But just wondering if anyone had any other good suggestions for two eager wedding videographers and a photographer trying to get some gigs and their name out there?

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Facebook fan page, Twitter and link to/share information on other things besides promoting yourself.  Showcase others work, give people advise on how to pick a photographer, or some cute poses for engagement photos.
All these websites have free listings.. the more websites you are on the more chance you have of being found!

Google Local Listing -
True Local -
GumTree -
Yellow Pages -
DLook -
Local Business Guide -
Web Find -
AussiePages -
Live Pages -
Enterprise Search -
Nationwide Networking -
AussieWeb - - -
Yalwa -
GeoDomains -
StartLocal -
Australia Online Advertising -
Street Corner -
BizMioSydney -
Your City -
If you're in the U.S or Canada, the site I work for has a free membership listing option as well! It's called Gig Salad, and we're an event planners resource & directory. Planners and brides come to our site looking for entertainment and services for their ceremony & reception - check us out at!
A great videographer I know is Rich Gasperin in Clearwater, Florida.  His email is and his phone number is (727) 541-1304.  Also, a great photographer is Steven Le "Thee Photo Ninja".  His email is and his phone number is (813) 838-9256.
Get a FACEBOOK page..join "THE KNOT"...good luck!
Thank you for sharing!! Regards, Cathy

I don't know if this has already been mentioned, but you may want to consider a blog. I'm an officiant, but I write about all sorts of wedding-related topics. But, I also include pictures and details of weddings I've performed. You don't have to write a ton, but pictures are always great! I've had several couples tell me that they called me because of my blog.


Good luck to you!

Here are a few websites that offer free listings:

WedDepot, Wedding Warehouse, Wedding Lennox, Dress Up Your Wedding,, Bridal Vine,

Usually if you get on one site, other sites will find you and invite you to join theirs.

I have used a company called  You can sign up for Free for a listing among a hundred others.  I would suggest that you sign up for the Silver Lising which is only $11.95 per month.  This way you get a featured site with a gallery in the Middle of the Pack plus direct links to your "Wed-Site".  Almost as important, they offer a Fantastic Lead Management Program called GigBuilder that is just out of this world helpful.  I use this program to manage ALL of my Leads, Followup, Data Collection, Contract and Payment processing.


Do Yourself a favor and Check this one out.  Well worth the $11.95 investment!!  1 solid lead will pay for this for a year!


Best of success with your Business

Carl Swick
Pro-Wed Photography

Wedding mapper tells me I have to purchase a package in order to get listed as a vendor (this was under the Free listing sign up). I created my account, added pictures and then they said hey we aren't going to post it unless you buy a package. Is there a step that I missed. I am a little upset that it is a trick.

I have another one for you.  Looking for Direct Leads that you can contact with Name, Date, City and Budget???


Check out  I use this system for leads and have had great success with it.  I am a "Snowbird Photographer" (NY in the Summer and FL in the Winter)  It would be costly for me to list in both regions seeking only a particular 6 month period of leads.  This website lets me select Winter Weddings in Florida and Summer Weddings in New York.  I know this feature may not interest you, but maybe other readers will find it interesting.  Anyway, This site is not as inexpensive as but you will not get lost in the Crowd here because you are contacting the customer directly.  They offer a Free 1 Week trial so you can have a chance to see if they fit your needs.  Then, it is only $19.95 per month for UNLIMITED Leads.  Not a bad return on your investment here.


Carl Swick
Pro-Wed Photography

Search for a wedding group on in your area.  I started a group called South King County Event and Wedding Vendors, (South of Seattle, WA) in November of 2009 and we now have 240+ members in just 2-1/2 years.  I don't allow Multi-Level-Marketing companies in with only a couple of exceptions and I began to make everyone set up a profile and explain their role pertaining to an event or wedding either before, during or after an event to be approved for membership.  I don't charge a membership fee but at the monthly meetings I ask for an "up to $5.00" contribution towards costs which members are more than happy to pay.


Don't let anyone tell you it won't work!  People said that it would never work in our area south of Seattle, but we outnumber many other networking groups that are known to most people in the industry because the emphasis in our group is not about money, hierarchy and we promote mutual respect and ways to help each other. The last time I checked we are the 7th largest Meetup in the country/world for wedding planning and we rank well in other categories.  I had only had my business for 1-1/2 years when I began the group and I can't help but think that it has helped with name recognition and I am asked for advice from many members regarding their businesses. I've been able to build connections with vendors that I wouldn't have otherwise.   Just don't be afraid to jump in and invest some time and keeping the topics relevant, helpful, educational or just crazy fun. It's an opportunity to have spotlight presentations on one or two businesses per month as well.  The absolute highpoint was when Natalie Bradley of came out to speak to my and another wedding Meetup group in January 2011.  You never know what opportunities you can provide to others or create for yourself unless you just try it!  One member alone through Meetups has increased her business by $18,000.00 in just over a year.


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