Bridezilla is actually a new term for me.  I am a weight loss coach and I realize that one of the great "side effects" of the plan that I use is that people not only lose weight, but they are also calmer, more clear-thinking, and don't have the energy and mood swings that can drive them and other people crazy.  I'm thinking --why wouldn't this would be true of brides on the program?  Of course they want to look good and fit into their wedding gowns, but I'd like to hear more and understand what a bride might need in a weight loss plan so I can customize my current program.  Wouldn't it be nice for vendors to have calmer brides?

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I appreciate your concept and its good. But my experience of the few Bridzillas I've indulged is its more of a cultural or personality trait phenonemon.  Mean people are just that.  Its an attitude adjustment that's called for here.  And no, I don't work with then anymore.

Yikes!  I hope to find brides that are not so hard-wired.  Thanks for your thoughts on this.

You nailed it... I sniff them out-always have-and one sneaks thru every year or so... talk about a weight loss program.  (I lost 5 lbs on this bride) I had a bridezilla I will call "Paris" and she was loco- wanted double the work for 1/2 the price (she paid for 1.5 hours and I stayed for 3 because after being there for 1.5 hours she had not walked down the aisle yet!) and screamed at me after I was unbelievably helpful for this "particular" situation... you can read more about her on her "review" of me on - it is "bad" but I have gotten business from it and all the brides that read her review & booked me see exactly the MEAN spirit that dwells in her.  Seriously check it out.  Thankfully this is the one open posting area where you can "reply:my co is Jen Adams & Assoc. The bride was from March 2009.  They are not worth the time or energy.



I would never write about this again. All businesses have undesirables, just leave it like that.

It's true ~ it's usually just a personality trait. And nerves. And family...  If you remind them they're doing the weight loss for themselves, but the wedding for themselves AND family/friends and to try to keep it together for all those reasons, you'll have a lot of vendors thanking you.

It sounds like you could have a unique approach for your coaching ~ the 'vanity' side of weight loss and looking good, plus a way to help your brides feel in control of their feelings on their wedding day. They might appreciate that if they're feeling nervous about making a commitment and having a wedding (and dealing with parents, friends, family, drama...), that what they've done with you is a GREAT thing for themselves ~ and they can have the confidence to take on the day and deal with anything ~ and look hot doing it. :)  


Yes, that's the idea exactly.  I notice that so many of my clients are calmer, happier on my plan--and they are often under a great deal of stress from life and work.  I thought of expanding to the wedding market because one of my clients lost about 20 pounds and, after 18 years of living with her fiancee, he finally agreed to set the date.  He liked the way she went from his "chunky monkey" to his "hunky monkey."  He lost 30 pounds himself, just because she was doing the cooking, and was losing weight, and he thought... hmmm... I'll stop complaining and teasing and just follow the plan. 

Honestly, I've met very few bridezillas in over 600 weddings, but have had experience with a few momzillas.  And I'm not sure a weight loss program would have helped with those!  Bless you for all you do, in fact, I would like more information about your coaching!  Cheers.

That was good. Me too the Moms make the situation worse. I always let the bride know in the beginning that this is real life not any TV show and I am here to provide a service not to be a doormat or phycologist. I give my brides a welcome packet with helpful worksheets and a sheet of do's and dont's for the bride. We go over our payment policy, and extra hours mean extra fees that we bill 1 week after the wedding. I even keep a credit card on file and let them know that any additional fees that incur outside of our agreement we will bill for those additional services.


I think it is wonderful that a girl is engaged to be married but also there is respect that I demand and give.


Walk into your destiny, 


without apology.

I have worked with one major Bridezilla.  Luckily it was only for rehearsal and ceremony.  But like others have said in her case it was definitely a personality trait and being totally spoiled.  Side note....the marriage only lasted 10 months...she left him.  I think she was all in to the wedding and having a day of being a "Princess"and wasn't exactly thinking beyond that and not ready for the marriage.

What a story!  These responses are actually giving me an idea for a book, about nightmare weddings. Part of what I do is write and edit books--I've written 25 books and edited another dozen or so.


You make an interesting point--when to start a weight loss program?  The timing should coincide as much as possible with the ordering and fitting of the gown.  If a bride wants to lose 25 pounds for her wedding, when should be her target date to lose that--one month before the wedding?  When you alter a gown, how many sizes can you go down?

The Filming of a “Bridezilla” Episode for TV

This "comment" does not relate to  weight loss, just a comical story about a supposed "Bridezilla" experience: Here in the Myrtle Beach Area, January is a notoriously slow month, so when in October of ‘06  I got a call for a wedding to be held right in town at Wild Wing Plantation on the first Saturday of January, I was eager to pursue a booking. Happily, the Father of the Bride seemed equally as eager to retain my services, and arrangements were made to implement the planning process with his daughter, Madison, who lived out of town. In the weeks ahead, I enjoyed several telephone consultations with Madison, finding her to be sweet, enthusiastic, and very easy to talk to. Click here to read the entire post.


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