I may be a bit slow. Everyone else may have already known this but I just realized today that I can go the tweeter's page and then just hit Retweet...duh...this makes retweeting so much easier. 

I was retyping or copying and pasting and then putting the tweet on my twitter page...you live and learn..never to old to learn something new and easier.


How is retweeting working for you? Have you seen an upswing in views to your site?

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I love the retweet! Not only does it boost views to my site, but it also builds relationships with other tweeters and lets you know your tweets are being viewed and appreciated.  I have especially noticed this with #WW and #FF tweets because it just builds a network web with others who are in the wedding industry as well.
What exactly does #WW and #FF mean. I have seen these but don't understand them.

#WW stands for Wedding Wednesday - You then mention people who are in the wedding business (outstanding vendors, awesome bloggers, etc) who you'd recommend people follow or just to show them some Twitter love! When you use the hashtag (#), whoever clicks on #WW will see all the other #WW posts.


#FF stands for Follow Friday - The people you mention in these posts are people you think others should follow - Again, by using the hashtag, you (or whoever else clicks on it) will see all the other #FF posts.


Hope this helps!

How does this exactly work?

makes it easier if you hyperlink within your own message on this site - that way the person can click your profile directly and rt the message
Retweet handmade wedding items i will  retweet for you too That's me on twitter thanks to all the BridalTweet tweeples.

I am so glad I finally read this! I could  not figure out people were able to shorten their links. Low and behold bitly! Thank you!

don't forget all the other cool tweet tools such as tweetdeck, tweetgrader, etc.

RT@moonlitbridals $500 7 Day Sale Pnina Tornai 0785 Inspired Style 31768583 http://bit.ly/slRVuG


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