LED Lighting is a No heat Low power draw light. that is very Environment Friendly. The light will help make your wedding look amazing! Tell us some ways you use LED lighting to make your wedding light up. Or would like to. A great combination with Chinese lanterns. When it comes to a green don’t just stop at lighting, ask your guests to carpool, use their hybrid cars to get to the event or even something as simple as use recycled paper or a gift bag to wrap your gift.

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Very beautiful Chinese Lantern...love your ideas!
Thank you,
There are a lot of ideas we can use to make wedding look special

We are thinking you might what to check out our Illuminated Flowers ....at www.BellaAeris.com ...they might be a good fit for you.
Wow they do look amazing I will pass that on to my clients


DJ Mikey Mike
We use LED lights on our HD cameras, as well as many other options that gives us a 3 star rating in the green bridal guide. That's a really nice look Mike!
Always diggin the spandex around the 5ft truss uprights warmed with LEDs


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