I have recently done quite a bit of reading on marketing and it's quite interesting, but what I'm wondering is what is the best way of marketing for wedding planners?  I am new to the business and I am looking for advice on getting the word out.  I am signed up to do 3 wedding shows which I think will be a good start, but I would love the input of my fellow planners!


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Hi Heidi ~ I have been using the Bride Attraction system to *learn* how to market to brides... and it's WORKING!! Natalie Bradley is a very successful wedding planner, and she now shows other wedding vendors how to market. Her strategies are simple and inexpensive!!

My friend Natalie Bradley of BrideAttraction.com is hosting a F*R*E*E call for vendors like you and me on the "5 Biggest Mistakes Wedding Vendors Make that Could be Killing Your Bridal Biz (and how you can avoid them)".
I'm definitely going to be on the call and thought I'd spread the word. Natalie is trying to reach out and help as many wedding vendors as possible in 2010 so that we can all thrive instead of just trying to survive.

I've already learned so much from her Bride Attraction System ... here's the link to sign up for the call on March 3rd - http://tinyurl.com/yk26m9h

See you there!


I had thought about using Natalie's system but I am just in the beginning stages of my business and have found that I just don't know which steps to take. Would her work apply to this?

I am new as well and I have heard that word of mouth and networking are the two biggest ways to get your name out there. I have been concentrating on networking with vendors.
First let me thank Bobbi for sharing that very useful information regarding the call. I am sure we can all use some inexpensive marketing tips in this economy. Heidi, I get most of my referral through word of mouth. However, social media plays a big part for national and global outreach.
Curious - how's everyone's experience been with Natalie's marketing strategy tips?

I found it very helpful to go to http://www.brideattraction.com (Natalie Bradley) because there are a variety of programs to fit every budget to take on a practical approach to marketing to brides.  She has a very good system.  Good luck.  We've all been there!  I'm working on my new site right now and am excited about what it will be able to do for me very soon.


P.S.  I just noticed that Natalie Bradley is mentioned in the previous posts.  That's great!  A great website is a lot of what she will stress, but there must be elements in it that you won't get from a standard web designer unless you submit these ideas to them.  You will get so much good information from her!  

As i am wedding planner in india , Currently i am using blog or social media to do marketing and mainly i asked my clients to review me or give testimonial s about my business,, thats what i am doing right now



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