I am just wondering if any of you use Craigslist to promote your wedding business?  If you do, what is the best category to list under?  Is there a way to promote throughout the US?

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CL is a great way to mention your wedding product or service but use it sparingly or risk being flagged as a spammer. I still find twitter and fb to be the best place to promo your wedding biz.
yes, what type of wedding business do you have?
Yes, I frequently use Craigslist to post encourage more clients. So far, I've picked up a few on this site but it is smart not to list contact email to avoid sca
I tried using  Craigs List to advertise my Bridal Salon, but stopped.  All I was recieving was SPAM. It did not work for me at all.
I have never heard of Upillar..but you learn something new everyday!  I agree, Craig's List has brought some jobs to many in the wedding industry and it has paid off, however, for posting an advertisement on it such as a sale doesn't bring the customers you are seeking.  Like everything else, it's hit and miss!
I am a wedding photographer. I used Craigslist one time for business and considered it a lesson learned.  Those who seek wedding vendors on CL are looking for rock bottom prices and will try get as much as possible! Don't sell yourself short! Once you have done it, then you have set a precident for yourself and your business. Personally, I think FB and word of mouth is the best form of advertisement.
I did for a time, but every time I turned around I was getting the same as Capricorn Soap Company, flagged as a spammer or someone would hack the account. Craigslist needs to clean up its act and maybe I will come back when they do. Otherwise, it is just not worth it. You are better off to advertise on Facebook and LinkedIn. Social Media marketing is becoming very popular.
Over the years in the industry, very few times we checked and responded for requests posted in craigslists from B&G looking for wedding photo services... So far, we have booked 1 wedding per year... Our experience is that couples that use craigslits, are looking for super deals and not precisely quality services...
I use craigslist quite often, but I never know which clients came from there. I just point them to my site and that's where I discuss details with clients. But, you never know. Never hurts to try.

Well, I have to say I completely disagree with almost every poster here.  I advertise on C's list incessantly.  I use html with gorgeous photos, and make myself obviously set apart from the wannbes.  I get about 1/2 my hits every month from the listings I put there, and I have booked about 30% of every year's weddings there for about 4 years now.

I list in services--both event and creative.

Prior poster was corect.  Multiple email addresses, more than one link i good.  Use photos.  Use seamonkey composer for very simple design and use catch phrases in your ads like complimentary, (NEVER FREE), award winning, high end, experienced, trusted.....

Log in every day and repost, keeping something on top.

I don't think it hurts.  But, be careful.  The first time I listed, I just got the free basic listing and on the same page was a sleezy ad for a dating service.  I asked them to change, but they did not.

Hi Amy,  I use Craig's list for makeup and hair (not only bridal, but for film, etc as well).  I find that you get a lot of people who are looking for a crazy deal.  They don't understand the value of good bridal makeup and hair and seem to forget that as much as they spent on their cake, they themselves will appear in almost all the photos where say, the cake will not.  But of course, you will also get clients to contact you that understand the value.


I put mine under beauty services.  I'd be curious to see what others do as well.


Good luck!



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