I am just wondering if any of you use Craigslist to promote your wedding business?  If you do, what is the best category to list under?  Is there a way to promote throughout the US?

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I've posted a few times and it seems like there is a competition of what wedding planner offers the most services for the lowest price for day-of coordination. I got tons and tons of junk solicitations from it as well because obviously you post your E-mail for brides to contact you. I would really skip on it.
Have them contact you thru your website. All the auto senders cannot spam you that way. Sure you'll get a couple, but NOTHING like putting you actual email there. ALso, I have seen people spell one of the numbers in their phone number for that same reason.

You have to know how to play it, but it can be a great free tool.
Craigslist used to work very well but there seems to be a lot of competition so that response has been considerably reduced.  In other words, many of the couples who look for wedding vendors on Craigslist are simply shopping rates.  Since that is true, it might be best to offer mid-week specials.  There is no need to compromise your standard weekend rate.
I write a budget-minded wedding blog, and often use Craigslist to scope out good deals and budget-friendly vendors for my readers. I have high quality standards, but believe that couples can get great services without breaking the bank. The vendors my blog features have experience, expertise, and produce quality work, but also believe that charging couples huge amounts is unethical.
Greg, I don't work any less hard on Wednesday than I do on Saturday, but that's another thread.
I would not do craigslist.. everyone is looking for a deal that would basically not put food on your table.. it is awful. There are also alot of very shady people on craigslist, and scam artist's. I have heard nothing but bad things about trying to promote business on there and in the 23 years I have done bridal make-up and have run my wedding business.. I have stayed away in terms of tapping into new business.  I am sure there are honest people on there as well that are truly looking for great vendors.. and I have also  met great people.. when purchasing antiques for the photo-shoots I create for my clients. I think there are so many free sites to advertise on.. instead of Craigslist, however if you decide to post on there...stay true to what you feel you are worth, sometimes people will try to haggle you down..and take advantage.  Good luck with everything.. Nicole Palermo
I listed it under business. I have only received 2 emails & 1 call requesting help. It does get several hits so I keep updating the listing. Hope that helps. Jules
The craigslist is the one of the best way to the promote the business.Good Luck for your business.If any one needs help to plan a wedding,they may use the wedding app and make use of it.
Craigslist is almost a big zero now.  I have had a few people wanting an immediate answer for a minimum amount of money.  I even had one person who said "If your ceremony runs over 5 minutes, I am not interested."  That posed somewhat of an ethical dilemma for me.  I finally figured that he and his bride could get a similar service at a local justice of the peace so I said, "Fine."  He was happy with an abbreviated ceremony and so was his bride.  I guess that is "the name of the game."

I recently had succes with advertising on craigslist. This bride like the reviews she read on my posting. She called to inquire more info about my services and I  was able to close the deal.

Maybe it depends upon your geographic area, as I live in a destination wedding area. I advertised my harp music for weddings on Craigslist, but I received inquiries about giving lessons. It's all good.

I have advertised on Craigslist.  However, in all the years I have been in business, I have only booked 2 weddings through Craigslist.  This does not prevent me from trying an ad every now and then, but when I do post, I try to have no expectations of the outcome.  Laura Cummings/solo pianist www.soundsoflaura.com


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