I am just wondering if any of you use Craigslist to promote your wedding business?  If you do, what is the best category to list under?  Is there a way to promote throughout the US?

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I agree as to Craig's list....probably not the kind of client you want, they are all looking for cheap. You get what you pay for analogy and those people want the moon for no money. Also...everytime, it seems, one puts an advertisement up you get more spammers coming back than you do with people who actually want and are looking for what you have...whether it's business or just personal selling of something. Someone somewhere might get good results with Craig's List but they are few and far between, I think. Good luck.
I appreciate the reply. It's nice to get response back and get opinions of others in the business.
I find it is so much better for you to list your busines on GetListed.org. Free service, not directed at the bargain hunter, after all we are in business to make money - this is NOT a hobby!
Thanks for the suggestion about Getlisted.org. I have noticed that Craigslist has changed. I have listed other parts of my business on there when I was doing in home painting or looking for places to consign. That wasn't too bad, but now that I am focusing more on weddings, I don't think it is such a great place for that.

I will give Getlisted.org a try....Thanks again...Amy
90% of my brides comes from CL..and yes, they are looking for bargains.
But I have a minimum amount to start and any extra, it is well charged.
Works great for me and I always listed under "ARTS AND CRAFTS".

My bride from yesterday starts her wedding with $300. Ended in $1200.
Not everybody is like that, but it is working for me and I will continue to do it.
Total waste of time. Spammers galore.
I appreciate your input. I have noticed that more and more....What's up with that? Did something change on it, or did spammers just become wise to it? Who knows...?
Hi there, I've used Craiglist before but don't remember what category I put myself in, I think "Services". Craiglist is great but didn't get too many leads from it. Good luck with your marketing.
Thanks! I appreciate it....
To each his own... however with my accessories I want the bride who wears one of my pieces to feel like she's wearing a luxury piece.
I'm not sure my clients would feel the same way about my headpieces if I sold on Craigslist or Ebay.
Make sure of the image you want to represent.
As I say... Be true to yourself.
Have you tried selling to gift shops that carry gifts for the wedding couple?
Your pieces are lovely!
Best of luck!!
Thanks so much for the nice words! I understand what you are saying and really never thought of it that way. I love get others point of view. It definitely brings in their experience and gives me other things to think about ...

I have not tried to sell to shops that carry bridal items. I have sold items wholesale in general and consignment.

Thanks again....
I continue to use Craigslist and post in the Services area under Event or Creative. I have my fair share of junk mail and people who spam but have also received a great amount of "booking" leads and clients through Craigslist as well. My clientele that I received from there ranges from the budget savvy to those looking for a Photographer but doesn't know where to go to find advertisements and they are fairly new in the game. Many times, I also come across someone who just stumbles upon my add by chance. I don't see the harm in trying it out... but my suggestion is that you have a jpeg ad or something similar as the ones with just words can sometimes be passed by for those with images. ;-)


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