I was wondering from other wedding planners, do you post all of the vendors you really like on your website, or do you handle it a different way... I would love to hear what you have to say..

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I'm a photographer, but I have an opinion I'll share anyway...

I don't know why a planner would put her primary vendors on her webpage. I mean, your vendors are part of what you bring to the table right? If you had a website that answers all of a bride's questions, why would she need to hire you?
We have a Preferred Partner's List on our blog, but not on our website. These people are also helping to promote us and it's a mutual relationship.
I do not post all vendors on my website, only ones that I affiliate with or collaborate with that have a mutual link exchange back to my site so we help promote each other.

Although, the photographer above makes a good point.
I discuss with the brides who I would recommend and who I have had problems from in the past. I have a few vendors listed on my websites too.


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