Hello Bridal Tweet Friends!

After a lot of prodding I have decided to start using my Google+ page on a regular basis. After reading some updates about it and learning how the whole Google family cult  is linked together it will be a huge tool in Search & SEO future AND we need to get on it now! 

I’ve listed my G+ page and would love to “circle” you too.

Please don’t limit your connection to just G+ feel free to list all your social media sites.

AND don’t forget to check back and “like” “friend” “follow” and “circle” everyone on the list. 

Here’s mine-

google+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/112561990360919844871/posts

newsletter  http://www.paperflora.com 

twitter https://twitter.com/PaperFlora2

instagram http://instagram.com/paperflora

pinterest   http://pinterest.com/paperflora2

blog   http://paperflora2.blogspot.com/

Views: 181

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I forgot my Facebook page duh!! 

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/PaperFlora2

Hi there, my google+ page is at http://plus.google.com/113067780126434518761/

Have added you already. I can't see google+ being a serious contender for facebook, and I find it annoying to use - but I agree that from an SEO point of view it's probably important to be there.


What a great idea, and our SEO company we hired confirmed to us that this is all very valuable to do.  They did comment that one additional SEO avenue that is very important is to Google + 1 each others websites.  We have included the URL to our two websites. Once you Google +1 our websites, send us a quick email letting us know you have done and your website(s) so as there is no way who Google +1 on a website and we wil do the same for you. Our email is info@premiertablelinens.com

Here is our information, we will reciprocate to everyone


Google +1 our websitehttp://premiertablelinens.com/

Google +1 our websitehttps://www.burlap-tablecloth.com/

Twitter https://twitter.com/Premiertweets

Pinterest http://pinterest.com/premierlinens/

Facebook likes,https://www.facebook.com/pages/Premier-Table-Linens/215416718512452

Facebook additionsal post likes (PS, in addition, on Facebook besides Likeing our page, take a moment and like several of our postings and we will do the same for you.

Linkedin http://www.linkedin.com/company/3173720?trk=tyah


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