Wedding Vendor Link Exchange


Wedding Vendor Link Exchange

We all know how helpful it is to exchange website links. By placing links on our sites, we are helping our own Search Engine rankings.  If you want to exchange links with other Members, then please follow the rules below...

Members: 1610
Latest Activity: Feb 26

Group Rules:

NOTE: This group is NOT for advertising.  It is for exchanging links with other wedding vendors.

Step 1: Within this Group, please provide...
1) Your business name
2) Your website address
3) A brief business description
4) A link to a web page on your own website where you will also be willing to place other vendors' links. This web page should be on a wedding-related website and easy to navigate by your site's visitors and by search engines.

Step 2: If you identify a vendor within this Group that you want to exchange links with, then reach out to them by sending them a private BridalTweet message.


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Comment by Christina Raggio on January 28, 2010 at 11:59pm
We will be revising our website and logo. In the meantime-please check us out.
Comment by Ayshea Siddall on January 28, 2010 at 5:10pm
Hi Jyl Walker,

I've taken a look at your site and the two main things that are missing from a SEO point of view is backlinks and content.

You only have 11 backlinks. Backlinks should use your keywords as anchor text. I have checked your site's incoming links and some use the your website's URL as the link text or variations of Jyl Walker Jewelry Designs. You would be better to choose a key phrase that people will search for to find your products/service, people won't search for your company name or website address unless they already know you exist. You will need to do some keyword research to find the best keyphrases to optimise for. The backlinks should also come from relevant sites and if possible sites with a high page rank.

Very little written content - search engines can not read images, although your site looks nice. You don't have to write an essay but the homepage could do with say 200-300 words. About 3-4% of the text should be your keywords.

Hope this helps.
Comment by IMAGES by GUSTAV on January 28, 2010 at 3:46pm
ms. walker.... it's not hype. there are alot of people that create websites for a living and while they do a great job at the design and all they really don't know the tricks that go into making a great website that will be found by search engines. because isn't that the entire point. when people go to google and type in "nj creative wedding photographer" don't you want to be on the first page of the search results!

And some of these people that create websites do a great job on the outside. But when you get down to the nitty gritty your web site is lost. Today it's all about the INTERNET... Social Media and getting people to your web site!

For example..... FLASH looks great on a web site... However... Google search engines don't like FLASH.... Did you know that having your domain name bought out for a longer period of time is better.

Try the website grader. What do you have to lose? It basically tells you what has to be done to improve your site. And most of those things you can do yourself.
For example are you on or Do you have a FACEBOOK page? Do you have TWITTER?
All these things make a difference. I started researching and reading alot of books about SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and learned alot and the things I do daily has gotten my site to the front pages of google's search engines. I also do this for other companies and businesses for a small fee. This stuff is time consuming but it is definately worth the time.
Try the website grader here for FREE.
Comment by Pizzuti Studios Photography on January 28, 2010 at 12:43pm
New England Wedding Professionals: We'd love to learn about your services!
Our website:

We are photographers and love shooting weddings and networking with awesome people :) !!!
Comment by Jyl Walker on January 27, 2010 at 6:15pm
Also, I JUST had a website designed for me this past year... It was designed with all that stuff we've been talking about in mind... yet, my site rated in the 20's. Are we so sure it's not all hype and a marketing ploy? I struggle with this, as my site cost a lot of money and took a while to complete...lot's of hard work went into it. All this link stuff... just like everything else... changes by the moment these days. I'm not jumping on the bandwagon just yet to do anything else. I'd love other's opinions on this site about my website. I am very open to hearing constructive feedback.
Comment by Jyl Walker on January 27, 2010 at 6:10pm
Is this part of the website, seen by prospective Brides & Grooms?
Comment by COLLEZIONE FORTUNA FASHION BOUTI on January 27, 2010 at 5:28pm
Check out my
We are locatedin Carmel, CA, in The Cortile San Remo Courtyard, Lincoln bet. 5th. & 6th., Carmel,CA 93921 (831)626-1287...schedule your appointment today!
Comment by Jennifer Maria on January 27, 2010 at 3:36am
Comment by Omu Obilor on January 26, 2010 at 1:01pm
Comment by Trina Simmons on January 26, 2010 at 9:47am
Joanna (Images by Gustav), please send me some information. Thanks.

Members (1611)


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