Invitations by Ajalon - Trish J's Blog (252)

New Wedding Invitation Design With Beautiful Paisley Patterns Formally Presenting: Devi

Variations of paisley patterns, also known as boteh or mankolam, have a history that is centuries old in Persia, India and throughout South Asia. Following in this tradition, Devi ties together the classical paisley charm with a modern floral design.

Our team of professional designers have done it again! They created a timeless invitation set that allows the deep letterpress impression to… Continue

Added by Invitations by Ajalon - Trish J on October 14, 2009 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Letterpress Wedding Invitations Shop Around and See Who is the Best What a Bing Search Reveals

While the word Google creeps into our vocabulary (and homepages) on a daily basis, we sometimes forget that there are alternative search engines available. In the past year Bing, a new Microsoft entity, has been creating quite a stir on the internet.

Advertised as a “decision engine,” this new type of search engine supposedly gives better results and more accurately organizes websites when you search.

I decided it was time to test the theory

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Added by Invitations by Ajalon - Trish J on October 12, 2009 at 3:00pm — No Comments

New South Asian Wedding Invitation Unique Foil and Custom Colors Introducing Avani!

We recently attended the Day of the Diva Bridal showcase in Orange County. Invitations by Ajalon was located in the South Asian section and unveiled many of our newest letterpress invitation sets for Sprint 2010 weddings.

Combining the beauty and classical aura that gold foil conveys with the deep emotion that textured violet paper brings, Avani was a solid hit for the bride and her guests. As well as being a favorite among the crowds at Day of the Diva!

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Added by Invitations by Ajalon - Trish J on October 9, 2009 at 5:33pm — No Comments

Enter Our "Engaging" Save the Date Letterpress Giveaway!

Everyone’s got a story to tell, and everyone loves to hear about the “Grand Proposal.” Tell us how he proposed (or did you?) to enter our giveaway for 100 letterpress save the date cards, over a $300 value!

The lucky winner will receive 100 one-color, one-sided 5x7 letterpress save the date cards with 110 blank envelopes. Printed with soy-based ink on 100% cotton Crane’s Lettra stock.

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Added by Invitations by Ajalon - Trish J on October 8, 2009 at 4:20pm — No Comments

Making Maps For Your Wedding: The 5 Best Details to Include In Letterpress Wedding Invitations

Finding the exact location of a wedding venue can be a difficult task. I know I have gotten lost several times driving from the ceremony to the celebration, and this becomes an even bigger problem when you are the ‘out of town guest.’ To solve this problem, brides often ask us what kind of maps to include in their wedding invitation sets, and more importantly, what these maps should look like.

One of the members of our expert design team recently graduated from Sonoma State… Continue

Added by Invitations by Ajalon - Trish J on October 7, 2009 at 1:05pm — No Comments

Instead of Letterpress Wedding Invitations: Jill and Kevin's Wedding Procession Video

Normally I like to entertain, educate or tell you what I know about wedding invitations, letterpress or marriage in general, but today I must admit I have been bested. My ideas are nothing compared to this new video I saw over the weekend.
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Added by Invitations by Ajalon - Trish J on October 5, 2009 at 7:11pm — No Comments

Envelopes Liners Using Handmade Lokta Indian Papers

This luscious handmade Napali paper is made from the lokta bush, a fast-growing renewable resource. The vibrant colors and unique texture make it a stunning envelope liner:

Lama Li Paper from…

Added by Invitations by Ajalon - Trish J on October 2, 2009 at 6:56pm — No Comments

World's Best Heidelberg Windmill Platen Press Demo Video

A recently engaged friend asked me to explain how our letterpress wedding invitation printing press actually works. Trying to demonstrate the process using my hands, a couple pieces of paper and a whole lot of descriptive words, I quickly remembered what my high school English teacher used to always tell me: “Show, don’t tell.”

This trip down memory lane not only made me realize how silly I must have looked trying to play charades as a printing press, but it also got my cinematic… Continue

Added by Invitations by Ajalon - Trish J on September 30, 2009 at 7:50pm — No Comments

Dreams, Themes, and Color Schemes

Right after we were engaged, I immediately started subscribing/purchasing every bridal magazine in sight. I was so motivated, I probably could’ve had a wedding planned in about 2 weeks! But as that didn’t happen, I still had about 20 months to go until the big day. I am relatively indecisive in everyday life, so of course my mind changed about 200 times about which colors to go with for the wedding.

I started out loving blush pink and champagne. I wanted champagne satin bridesmaid… Continue

Added by Invitations by Ajalon - Trish J on September 28, 2009 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Mixing and Applying Ink to a Letterpress - Video Series Instructions

For as long as I can remember, watching new colors of ink being mixed from other inks always fascinated me. It reminds me of finger painting in kindergarten, which I was quite good at by the way.

For those of you who have never seen the process of hand mixing several primary ink colors together into a new, lively pantone custom color, wait until you see this:

Added by Invitations by Ajalon - Trish J on September 25, 2009 at 3:46pm — No Comments

Wedding Traditions from Around the World Hinduism: Rajput, Lyer and Vagdana

I have always been curious about Hindu wedding traditions. They seem so fun and amazing, so I decided to do some reading to see what else I could find out. Apparently, while most Hindu weddings were traditionally held in Sanskrit, today many Hindus do not speak the language and choose to hold the ceremony in their local dialect.


Added by Invitations by Ajalon - Trish J on September 23, 2009 at 1:28pm — No Comments

Looking for the Best Letterpress Wedding Invitation Blog on Yahoo Just Got Easier: Top 10 Results on a Yahoo Search

One of the coolest things about competition in the corporate world is this typically means better deals, products or services for us, the consumers. The other day I was curious about what this means for brides to be when they were planning their wedding online. So I decided to make another Yahoo search, like the one that I did on Bing a little while ago, just to see what types of marriage planning material was out there.

What is both interesting and curious is the difference in… Continue

Added by Invitations by Ajalon - Trish J on September 21, 2009 at 5:31pm — No Comments

Adorable Halloween Candy Bags by Smidgebox Designs

As September flies by and October gets closer by the day, that can only mean one thing; Halloween is just around the corner! Every since I can remember, Halloween has been my favorite time of the year. Watching the neighborhood kids run around with their adorable little outfits saying “trick or treat!” always puts a smile on my face.

Every year people think of amazing new costumes and Halloween style products that really get me in the spirit. The other day when I was supposed to be… Continue

Added by Invitations by Ajalon - Trish J on September 18, 2009 at 3:08pm — No Comments

Is it Possible to be Too Green and Eco Friendly When Planning Your Wedding Invitation Sets?

Brides to be, you all know that I am very fond of earth-friendly and green alternatives when it comes to your wedding. I have written many updates about the ways to help save the environment, keep your marriage planning as ecological as possible, and to use only the most harmless materials in your wedding invitation sets.

But today I am here to offer a different perspective. While tree free paper, soy oil inks and printers that use renewable energy sources are always a plus, when is… Continue

Added by Invitations by Ajalon - Trish J on September 9, 2009 at 1:31pm — No Comments

5 Reasons Why Printing is Green: The Sustainability and Environmentally Friendly Nature of Print

Being that we are avid printers, once in a while we receive publications from various organizations that are promoting different aspects of the printing process.

I recently received an email from the Print Council in Washington DC, which gave several interesting reasons that printing is already a very eco friendly enterprise:

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Added by Invitations by Ajalon - Trish J on September 6, 2009 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Things to Look for When Evaluating Letterpress Wedding Invitations The Truth Is In the Details

A simple search on Google, Yahoo or the newest major search engine Bing! will reveal that there are simply too many choices to fully investigate when it comes to letterpress wedding invitations. Not knowing what to look for or being unable to properly evaluate each specific printer’s strengths and weaknesses can be frustrating.

I decided to try to make the process of selecting your letterpress printer easier by giving you a couple short examples of how to properly judge wedding… Continue

Added by Invitations by Ajalon - Trish J on September 4, 2009 at 2:04pm — No Comments

5 Simple Tips for Saving on Wedding Invitations How to be a Price Savvy Bride

While some news articles are saying that the economic crisis is starting to turn around, that does not mean our bank accounts are getting any bigger. With the spring wedding season just right around the corner, brides to be are looking for new ways to save on their wedding invitations.

I understand that times are tough, but that does not mean you should have to forget about your life-long dreams of having that perfect wedding. In an effort to save you money, I have developed a list… Continue

Added by Invitations by Ajalon - Trish J on September 2, 2009 at 6:00pm — No Comments

We Found an Old Heidelberg Book on Letterpress Printing

Last week we were doing a little summer and fall cleaning in the print shop to get ready for the fast approaching spring wedding season. We decided it was time to finally go through some old boxes of letterpress materials, spare parts and assorted tools.

In one box of accessories that bore the signs of a letterpress life well lived, (grease, ink and old printed materials) we stumbled upon this book:

Hosted by

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Added by Invitations by Ajalon - Trish J on August 31, 2009 at 2:53pm — No Comments

Searching for the Top Letterpress Wedding Invitation Blog Results on Bing

Microsoft recently created a new search engine called Bing. Because I am all about new ideas and information, I decided it was time to check out the results of a simple search for letterpress wedding invitation blogs.

Brides to be are constantly on the hunt for the latest information that can help them make decisions regarding their nuptial planning (that’s why you ended up here right?). Hopefully these results will guide you to make the right decision when it comes to ordering your… Continue

Added by Invitations by Ajalon - Trish J on August 29, 2009 at 12:00pm — No Comments

How Letterpress Invitation Printing Works - Introduction to the Instructional Video Series

Have you ever wondered what letterpress printers do? How the printing process actually happens and how is it possible that a design on a computer ends up in your mailbox? As a customer you can be part of the design process, but once that is done the next thing you know your invitation is printed and ready to be delivered. This short video (a little over 2 minutes) details the entire letterpress wedding invitation printing process continued at… Continue

Added by Invitations by Ajalon - Trish J on August 26, 2009 at 6:03pm — No Comments

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