Jenna D. Barry's Blog (10)

Do You Have A Controlling Mother-in-Law?

Do You Have A Controlling Mother-in-Law?

By Jenna D. Barry


Does your mother-in-law call constantly or show up at your house unexpectedly?  Does she criticize the way you eat, dress, cook, or clean?  Does she complain to your husband that you are a rude, selfish, disrespectful daughter-in-law?  Does she try to manipulate you with guilt whenever you don’t revolve your life around her needs?  Does she feel entitled to control…


Added by Jenna D. Barry on September 24, 2011 at 12:16pm — No Comments

Want to celebrate Women's Friendship Month with me?


Would you like to strengthen your marriage and offer hope to a woman war survivor at the same time? In honor of Women's Friendship Month, I will donate 15% of the profits for every copy of my book-- "A Wife's Guide to In-laws"-- sold on THIS THURSDAY September 24, 2009 to Women for Women International. (My book is available at,, etc.)

ABOUT MY BOOK: "A Wife's Guide to In-laws" equips wives to have a… Continue

Added by Jenna D. Barry on September 22, 2009 at 8:02am — No Comments

Everybody Loves Raymond but Hates His Parents

“Everybody Loves Raymond but Hates His Parents”

by Jenna D. Barry

Why does everyone love Raymond? I’d like to smack him upside the head.

To set the record straight, I love the TV show “Everybody Loves Raymond” (because I can relate to it) and I’ll bet that in real life Ray Romano is a wonderful, loyal husband and confident adult. But his character on the show is a gutless wimp who constantly ignores his wife’s needs in order to please his narcissistic… Continue

Added by Jenna D. Barry on September 16, 2009 at 12:48pm — No Comments

Are You Dating a Momma's Boy? Five Warning Signs

“Are You Dating A Momma’s Boy? Five Warning Signs”

by Jenna D. Barry

NBC has a new TV show called “Momma’s Boys.” With Ryan Seacrest as the host, three young men will let their mothers choose their ideal woman. The point of the show—according to NBC’s website—is to ask, “Who really is the most important woman in a man’s life?”

A lot of men seek their mom’s advice when choosing a mate. Most mothers can help steer their son toward a kind, honest woman with a… Continue

Added by Jenna D. Barry on September 16, 2009 at 11:46am — No Comments

Until In-laws Do Us Part: Advice for the Bride-To-Be

“Until In-laws Do Us Part: Advice for the Bride-To-Be”

By Jenna D. Barry

Wedding planning tends to bring out the worst in people. That’s a widely known fact…ask any married person.

It’s partly because there are approximately 9,463 decisions to be made while planning a typical medium-sized wedding. Take the cake, for example. Which baker will you use? Which flavor should the cake be? How many layers should it have? How should it be shaped? What should the little… Continue

Added by Jenna D. Barry on September 16, 2009 at 11:44am — No Comments

How To Be Respectfully Confident With Your Mother-in-Law

How To Be Respectfully Confident With Your Mother-in-Law

By Jenna D. Barry

According to Kermit the Frog, it ain’t easy being green. Well, sometimes it ain’t easy being a daughter-in-law either. Many wives have come to me for advice on how to deal with their mother-in-law. I always tell them the same thing: behave as a mature adult by communicating your needs and setting boundaries. Some take my advice, while others don’t because they think that being assertive with their… Continue

Added by Jenna D. Barry on September 16, 2009 at 11:42am — No Comments

Are You Married To A Momma's Boy?

“Are You Married to a Momma’s Boy?”

by Jenna D. Barry

You probably fell in love with your husband because he was a loving, generous, thoughtful, responsible, honest person. Maybe you loved the kind way he treated his 5-year old niece, his yellow Labrador retriever, or his sweet little grandma. Whatever qualities attracted you to him, there’s a good chance that his mother is a big reason why he turned out so great. Moms are usually a wonderful influence in their son’s… Continue

Added by Jenna D. Barry on September 16, 2009 at 11:39am — No Comments

Got Mother-in-Law Problems? 5 Tips for Bringing Out the Best in Your Mother-in-Law

Got Mother-In-Law Problems? 5 Tips for Bringing Out the Best in Your Mother-in-Law

By Jenna D. Barry

If you get along great with your mother-in-law, then I’m really happy for you. Actually, if I’m being honest, I’m only 60% happy for you and 40% jealous. There are a lot of women who love their husband’s mother because she is kind, considerate, and unassuming. Unfortunately there are many of us with controlling mothers-in-law who believe the world --and everyone in it--… Continue

Added by Jenna D. Barry on September 16, 2009 at 11:36am — No Comments

How To Be Assertive With Your Future Mother-in-Law

How To Be Assertive With Your Future Mother-in-Law

by Jenna D. Barry

The way you interact with your future mother-in-law now will set a precedent for how she will treat you after you are married, so it’s important that you start behaving as an adult on an equal level to her. If she says or does something that gets on your nerves, don’t get your hoop slip in a wad. Just talk to her in a calm and mature manner. What you say is important, but how you say it is even… Continue

Added by Jenna D. Barry on September 16, 2009 at 11:33am — No Comments

Article "5 Ways To Become A Mother-in-Law Whisperer"

5 Ways to Become a Mother-in-Law Whisperer

By Jenna D. Barry

I’m a huge fan of the show “Dog Whisperer” with Cesar Millan; it’s not unusual for me to sit and watch four episodes in a row. Recently, during one of my Dog Whisperer TV marathons, I realized that many of the techniques Cesar uses to train dog owners can also be used to train daughters-in-law.

Dog owners turn to Cesar for help whenever their pooch exhibits behavior problems. He listens patiently to… Continue

Added by Jenna D. Barry on August 28, 2009 at 10:42am — 1 Comment

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