Recently a client asked me for some tips on registering, my first tip, bring a sports bottle full of water or Vitamin Water , no you aren't running the Chicago marathon but you are doing marathon decision making and that can make you thirsty! In addition to maintaining hydration here are some more tips so that you finish at the registry finish line ready to tackle the next wedding planning activity.

  • Pick one store per trip don’t try and go to multiple stores in one day
  • Limit your registry to 2-3 brick and mortar stores and 1-2 online stores.
  • If you have out of town guests pick stores where they can either order online or one or more of the stores is in their area.
  • Put together a list of specific items from each store of what you would like to register for by category for example:
    • Macy’s-Everyday Glassware:-10 Juice glasses -10 water glasses -10 glass mugs that way when you get to the store you won’t be overwhelmed with all of the choices and you will avoid impulse shooting, the radar gun can be very fun to use but do you really need more than one set of glasses even if they have pink swirls on them?
  • Mix traditional items with more practical or fun ideas
    • Traditional include china, glassware, flatware, small electronics
    • Practical include placemats, cutlery set, vacuum cleaner, grill utensils
    • Fun include cocktail shaker set, margarita maker -limit these choices though as a Panini maker is great in concept but can take up quite a bit of counter space!
  • Consider an online only registry through and many other etailers-you can even register online for your honeymoon!
  • Do not register for the same item at different stores, while you may plan on returning if you get duplicates, returning can be a hassle so avoid the issue to begin with
  • Register for items in different price points some items are for your engagement party/showers, others are for wedding gifts, give your guests an option on how much they want/can spend
  • Don’t forget the Groom! Make sure your guy has as much input as he wants on the items chosen. Stores such as Lowe’s and Home Depot have wedding registries and a nice tool set is useful for everyone

Most importantly, have fun, you are choosing items that you will be sharing in your new home together this is a great bonding experience for an engaged couple!

Views: 33

Comment by Annette James on February 18, 2010 at 10:58am
May I use this on the Favor Chic Blog?



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