5 Things Brides Consider When Choosing Vendors & It's Not Price


Wedding Professionals:

I wrote about this topic back in 2009 when the economy was absolutely horrible and many wedding businesses were wondering how to get back on their feet.  Since times have changed a bit, I thought this topic was worth revisiting.  The factors that brides consider when choosing vendors have not entirely changed - but I believe more emphasis is place on some factors versus others. 

We are usually quick to assume that price is the main factor for brides as they plan their wedding. Yes, price is important but there are other factors that are just as influential.  I came to this conclusion after reading Lee Eisenberg’s ‘Why Shopping is Good Again.’ I personally believe that these five values can also help all of us to understand what brides are thinking as they are making their purchasing decisions in the year 2012...

  1. Brides value experiences that transform them. Even some of the shyest women embrace the spotlight on their big day. As a bride plans her wedding, she is more commonly thinking about her own personal ‘red carpet’ moment. That is the moment when everyone at her wedding will look at her in astonishment. Various vendors have picked up on this common value or mindset. What additional services can you add to your current offering in order to make brides feel special and transformed?
  2. Brides value shared experiences. As the economy changed over the last few years, brides began to place more value on family, friendships and relationships in general. We’ve been forced to focus on the things that are really important in life – and that’s not a bad thing.  In some cases, guest lists have had to shrink and brides have had to focus on the elements that matter most to their loved ones. But behind all of that, weddings have become more intimate. What can you do to add to that intimate, meaningful experience to a bride’s big day?
  3. Brides value experiences that are an extension of themselves. It’s no wonder that many brides are now into DIY (Do-It-Yourself) elements. They are creating their own menus, programs, favors – you name it. We tend to think this is only to save money. However, they are also doing this to put their stamp on their big day - to make it personal. Thinking beyond price and thinking deeper about the personal nature of a DIY wedding, how can you make your products and services more personalized?
  4. NEW! Brides value things that are beautiful.  Especially given the fact that 2012 is a year when one of the biggest trends is that weddings will be romantic and pretty.  And they will think that you will deliver a service with these qualities IF your website, portfolio and various marketing materials are also beautiful.  Sometimes it is hard for us to judge that for ourselves.  Ask your friends and family if your website is beautiful.
  5. NEW! Brides choose vendors that they connect with on a personal level. With hundreds of vendors to choose from, brides are more likely to choose vendors that they believe they will get along with.  After all - if they choose you, you'll be spending an entire day together.  The key is to make a great first impression, establish a good rapport and build trust.  What will you do during your initial conversations to establish that strong connection?  In addition, consider adding testimonials to your website to establish greater trust.

Position your wedding offerings, so that they are in line with the values of today’s bride. Ultimately, this will help ensure that brides say ‘yes’ to you. Do you have other insights about what values influence a bride’s planning decision? If so, please comment below.

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About This Blog: Christine Dyer is the Creator and Founder of BridalTweet. Christine has an MBA in marketing and shares over twelve years of marketing expertise with the wedding community. In this weekly blog, you'll find advice on an array of wedding business topics such as how to market to brides, social networking, wedding PR, wedding sales, vendor networking, branding, pricing and much more. Please pass this news along to your own professional wedding network. To receive this advice in your email inbox each week, Sign Up for a Free BridalTweet Membership.

Views: 6391

Comment by Victoria Mische on July 10, 2012 at 11:47am

Thank you!

Comment by WeDo Weddings International on August 1, 2012 at 12:34pm

GREAT INFORMATION !, especially asking family and friends to review the site, will definitely get that going. We are a destination planning agency in the Caribbean Island of St. Maarten-St. Martin, and do not often get the opportunity to meet our brides before they arrive. We practice replying to the first email within 24 hours and a followup telephone call within 72 hours, and are brides very excited that we took the time to make the call putting a voice to the email. We are well know on the island for our attention to detail and personal care, treating every wedding as our own. Thanks so much.

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