Vow Renewals: Re-dedicating Original Wedding Rings

It's been a blessedly busy summer of vow renewal ceremonies: milestone anniversaries and couples who are re-dedicating themselves to their relationship after difficult times.  What I find especially touching is that couples who renew their vows do so out of an enduring love based on the experience of their shared joys and hardships; a love that honors what has been while looking forward to what yet may be.

In addition to re-affirming their promises, I always suggest to my clients who are not exchanging gifts, such as an anniversary band, that they re-dedicate their original wedding rings as part of their ceremony.

As in a wedding, the ring re-dedication goes after the vows. 

Officiant: "When you were married you gave one another a ring as a promise of your love and trust.  Today, as you re-dedicate yourselves to your marriage, let these gifts continue to symbolize the endlessness of your love for one another.  May I have your rings, please?"

(with rings in palm).  “Bless this ring, Lord, that he or she who gave it and he or she who wears it may abide in Your peace. Amen”

Wife/Husband, as you re-place the ring on Husband/Wife's finger, please repeat after me:

'I love you and ask you to continue to wear this ring as a sign to the world that you are my husband/wife.'

As the ring was a gift given to symbolize the couple's endless love for one another at the time of their marriage, I believe taking the time to honor that original gift serves as a lovely acknowledgement of their enduring love and shared life.

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