Wedding Dinner Hour Music - Make It Custom!

As wedding DJ's, we often sit down with brides and grooms who come to their pre-wedding meeting with pages of songs they would like played during their reception.  Some of the songs may have special meaning to them, while others are songs they just love and would like to hear on their wedding day.

It's great when couples share what songs they like and don't like - it helps their wedding DJ to really get to know them and what types of music they like in order to give them the party of their dreams.

However, sometimes these pages of songs add up to way more then the allotted time for dancing, or sometimes these songs just don't fit into a party.

The best way to handle this is to talk to your wedding DJ about customizing your dinner hour music.  Choose the songs from your list that may not be fast enough to dance to and any extra slow songs and have them played during dinner.  That way you get to hear all of the songs that you really enjoy and they are placed at appropriate times during the evening.

A great wedding DJ will know just how to mix up these songs into your dinner hour by rotating some slower songs with some more upbeat choices.  Songs that are not quite fast enough to dance to are great to be played at the end of dinner right before the dancing begins.  These types of songs get people singing and energized in their seats while encouraging them to get in the mood to dance.  Then once your dance floor opens up, your guests are pumped and ready to go!

You can also talk to your wedding DJ about customizing your cocktail hour too.  If you will be present during this time, it may be a good idea to choose some of your must hear songs to be played during this hour.

Whatever you decide to do, we definitely suggest talking to your wedding DJ who will be able to look at your list and help you decide which songs would be best played during dinner and/or cocktail hour.

Best wishes!


For more information regarding wedding DJ packages, contact Avid Entertainment

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