What are the expectations of a destination photographer in terms of being contracted..payment... etc?

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Hey Thia!


For destination weddings I take my normal wedding packages, and then bill the client seperately for travel costs.  All must be paid 30 days prior to the wedding date.  I also require that the hotel be booked for three nights (the night prior to the event, the night of the event, and the night after) to ensure I have time to properly back up all photos (keep on memory cards, on laptop, on external harddrive and online) of the event prior to leaving.


Hope this helps! 

Thanks you Sarah!!

For destination weddings, I require 50% retainer as I do for local weddings. Travel fee will be included in the total cost. Since I have travel programs with some major hotel chains, I typically can transfer the benefit to the brides and keep the travel cost to the minimum. One of my favorite places is Hawaii, the sky and sea are beautiful!


Also, I arrive at least a day before the wedding. Since you never know what can happen when one flies from one place to another.

Thanks for your feedback David!  It's great that you are possibly able to provide benifits for the brides.  That is an awesome incentive. What hotel chains within the Caribbean are you affiliated with?
I just did my first destination wedding, so I've learned a lot from the experience (it was in Mexico). I would want to go down 2 days before the wedding in case of cancelled flights (I went down the day before, and two of my flights were delayed, and there was a chance I wasn't getting on a flight until the following day which would have caused me to miss the wedding!) I would also need to stay for one night after the wedding to do all necessary packing/backing up. I have special collections set up just for destination weddings because they are unique in nature compared to a local wedding. I would also have to charge all travel costs. I would require at least a 50% non refundable retainer fee that would cover all my travel costs so I could immediately book flights and hotel rooms.
Congratualtions on your first experience!  I understand why you would want to get there a few days prior to the wedding!  Thx for the info!!! 
There are some great wedding photographers who do destination photography at Wedding Photographers Cardiff

I think from a customer's point of view a destination wedding photographer is expected to take backups of necessary equipments, lenses, make copies of photographs and video before leaving the venue for home country, probably have one copy in hand luggage.. should the airline lose check-in luggage... I may not be too rational or practical for all you guys, but I am just sharing what I would like from my photographer as a bride.


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