In a world of give and take it is hard to find good options for getting your name out there without having to pay a lot of money. This is especially hard when you are just starting out. We are a small company and doing all we can by word of mouth and our friends. We also have our website, and craigslist (which can look so cheap), and we now Bridal Tweet (yay!). But just wondering if anyone had any other good suggestions for two eager wedding videographers and a photographer trying to get some gigs and their name out there?

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Check your area for a networking group.  Here in Chico, CA, we have ERC (event resource connection).  Once a month we meet at a different venue, have lunch and share ideas.  We take a tour of the venue and spread the word for each other.  It is a great way to make new friends in the wedding business.  If you don't have a networking group, start one up!

Lisa Holeman

Check to see if the area you live in has any wedding and events networking groups.  Here in Chico, Ca., we have a great group called ERC (Event Resource Connection). Vendors meet at a different venue each month for lunch, take a tour of the facility and share ideas.  It is all free and a wonderful way to make friends in the business.  If you don't have networking group, start one up!!

Lisa Holeman

As You LIke It Weddings

If your a new wedding professional, in person acquaintances always work best.  I have been a professional in the wedding industry for a decade but I started my business last year.  Over 90% of my business is referral based, why?  Because all my associates and myself attend every networking event we can go to with a strategy of finding new contacts that can benefit from recommending us!  Like wedding planners and venues.  I cant tell everyone enough, just go out there and have a presence!  You dont have to have a big budget just some money for entry fees.  No matter how much advertising dollars you spend, your next prospect is going to go with who they feel comfortable with and usually that is the person they have met.  Good luck!
There are a lot of free sites out there where you can make profiles for yourself. is the first one that comes to mind, but a google search should show you more. Good for you for being so entrepreneurial!
Hey everyone I am new here and I just can't tell you how helpful this site has been to me. I love it. It is so great I agree it is one of the best resources. Thanks for some great info.

I have found the best way to get more leads is to write a new blog weekly or so within your own website and then post the blog on other blog sites.  Easy, quick and free and you will be surprised how quickly your web marketing takes off!

Carol Lockhart

Top Hat Photo Booths Indy

Hi Carol,  I have a blog on my website, but I haven't posted on other blog sites yet.  How do you go about doing this, and where do you find the blogs that would benefit from your post??  Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

Lacie Nichols, Owner

Couture Cake Jewelry

hi Lacie,  The best way to post on other web sites is to call or e-mail the owner of the site. I for one am always looking for guest bloggers. I require they send me a blog with information to help the bride with her wedding plans.  I do not allow advertising for your business, but I do credit you for the blog with a link to your website.  I have blog followers from as far away as Iraq.  Merry, Cakes Especially 4 You,


I found a simple giveaway to be pretty effective in promoting my studio. The entry to win gives people an incentive to promote my business on social network sites as well as spread the word about my giveaway. Check my promo page and join me for a chance to win a Brand new Panasonic Lumix Digital Camera:

Thanks everyone for the sharing some great tips and ideas! If anyone in the Santa Barbara, CA area wants to connect or share links on their websites please feel free to contact me!

Karen D Photography


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For free marketing my suggestion is Facebook, Twitter, Bridal Tweet, Wedding Wire, Wedding Mapper, Wed Alert, My Emma Email Marketing, Manta, Linked In, One Wed.  I hope this helps


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