All Blog Posts Tagged 'photographer' (318)

Wedding Photography and Videography Service for a Sweet British Nigerian Bride and Groom in Archway, North London, UK

We have provided wedding photography and videography service for this sweet British Nigerian bride and groom on their very happy day with their friendly bridal party and groomsmen, family and friends. The couple decided there is no better time to plan a wedding, although the pandemic is still affecting the world. Perhaps love pulls us closer in difficult time. The wedding was held in Archway, North London.

We first met them around 3 years ago and did their fun, casual engagement photo…


Added by Forever Love Wedding Photography on July 29, 2022 at 4:32pm — No Comments

Pre-Wedding Photography, Videography and Bridal Hair & Makeup Service for a Lovely Chinese Couple in Paris, France

Paris, one of the most beautiful, full of love, cultural and romantic cities in the world. For professional photographers and videographers like us, it is a heaven. We came here again to provide a pre-wedding photography, videography and bridal hair & makeup service. We had a memorable shoot with this stylish, loving and friendly multi-heritage couple from Australia.

This couple is…


Added by Forever Love Wedding Photography on July 15, 2022 at 4:49pm — No Comments

We Have Served Wedding Photography, Videography and Bridal & Bridesmaids Hair & Makeup Service for Sweet British Hong Kong's Bride and Groom in Southampton by England’s South Coast

Although we have been doing wedding photography, videography and bridal, bridesmaids & relative hair makeup services for more than 10 years, and have been to so many cities in the UK and Europe, it was our first time to go to Southampton by England’s south coast. This time, we served this friendly, sweet British Hong Kong's bride and groom wedding day, provided them our photography, videography and bridal & bridesmaids hair & makeup service.

This is one of kind wedding…


Added by Forever Love Wedding Photography on July 1, 2022 at 4:42pm — No Comments

Traditional Engagement Ceremony and Wedding Day Photography, Videography and Live Stream Service for an Intelligent British Nigerian Bride & Groom in Wirral, Merseyside, North West England

We have provided wedding photography, videography and live stream service for a very friendly, intelligent British Nigerian couple with four team members in Wirral, Merseyside, North West England.

This wedding is a two-day event, starting from traditional engagement Nigerian ceremony to second day with church ceremony and white western style banquet.

We have spent with this lovely couple…


Added by Forever Love Wedding Photography on June 18, 2022 at 4:09pm — No Comments

Wedding Photography and Videography Service for A Loving Hong Kong Bride and Groom in Leeds, Yorkshire, Northern England

It was one of the hottest and sunniest day in the UK. We have provided wedding photography and videography service to this warm, loving Hong Kong bride and groom in Leeds.

It was an outdoor wedding at the bandstand with almost seamless greenery in the background. Sunlight made all the different with the look of the photos and videos. It made them…


Added by Forever Love Wedding Photography on June 9, 2022 at 4:28pm — No Comments

Mandvo Pre-Wedding Photography Service for a Lovely British Indian Couple in Croydon, South London, UK

We have provided this Mandvo pre-wedding ceremony photography service for the lovely Indian bride and her family in The Change Foundation Cricket Centre, Croydon, South London this Spring.

We are experienced in different types of Indian traditional ceremonies and happy to provide photography and videography services. We love all the colours in the weddings, and the cultural elements just make them super special.…


Added by Forever Love Wedding Photography on December 25, 2021 at 4:20pm — No Comments

Smile for the Camera: Tips for Choosing Great Locations for Your Wedding Photos

You want your marriage to last forever, so you will also want to get timeless wedding photos that capture the essence of your special day. There are many photography styles and scenes to choose from depending on the theme and tone of your nuptials. Here are some tips for finding the right locations for beautiful and quality photos.…


Added by Lizzie Weakley on August 1, 2021 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Engagement Photo and Video Trip Marathon with a Lovely British Couple from Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire to London, England

What a beautiful and long journey with a very sincere British bride to be and groom to be who came from Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, England.

We have took their engagement photos and video film in Natural History Museum (South Kensington), 11 Cadogan Gardens (Chelsea), National Gallery (Trafalgar Square), Regent's…


Added by Forever Love Wedding Photography on June 22, 2021 at 9:56pm — No Comments

Filipino Bride's and Groom's Wedding Photo & Video Shoot in Edgware, North London, UK

We have provided wedding photography and wedding videography service for a friendly Filipino bride and groom in Edgware, North London.

Their wedding ceremony and wedding banquet reception were held in John Keble Church, Mill Hill, Edgware, North London.…


Added by Forever Love Wedding Photography on May 1, 2021 at 8:12pm — No Comments

Wedding Day with a Lovely British Bride and Groom in Bloomsbury, London, England

Wedding photography and bridal hair & makeup service for a lovely British bride and a friendly British groom in Bloomsbury, London, England.

Their wedding ceremony and wedding banquet reception were held in Ambassadors Bloomsbury Hotel, Bloomsbury, London.…


Added by Forever Love Wedding Photography on April 3, 2021 at 6:40pm — No Comments

What a Pretty Long Journey with a Charming British Nigerian Couple

What a pretty long journey we have spent with this British Nigerian couple. We have done a few shoots with them - from engagement photography to their traditional and cultural wedding, from pregnancy photography to the 1 year old baby birthday photography.

We walked through a lot of locations with them, including Kew…


Added by Forever Love Wedding Photography on March 20, 2021 at 8:52pm — No Comments

Engagement Photography Pricing | What to expect

One of the questions I receive as a Raleigh wedding photographer from potential clients regard engagement photography pricing. After discussing it a bit we generally find out they are getting a wide range of prices. I definitely understand as I have seen a very wide range…


Added by Brian Mullins on December 31, 2020 at 10:03am — No Comments

Wedding Blessing during Covid-19 Pandemic

This is one of our weddings we have done during coronavirus pandemic. We have provided wedding photography and videography service to these lovely, energetic young couple in Southend Wedding Hall, East Ham, London. Every love story is different, including theirs. Love and friendship always over come fear. We saw their friends and family get involved and being very helpful throughout the day.…


Added by Forever Love Wedding Photography on December 11, 2020 at 9:04pm — No Comments

Wedding Photography and Videography Service for a Sweet Couple in South Kensington, London, UK

We have provided wedding photography and videography service to this lovely, energetic young couple in Southend Wedding Hall, East Ham, London.

This is one of our weddings we have done during coronavirus pandemic. Every love story is different, including theirs. Love and friendship always over come fear. We saw their friends and family get involved and being very helpful throughout the day.…


Added by Forever Love Wedding Photography on November 27, 2020 at 9:11pm — No Comments

Most Common Wedding Scam Types

When planning your wedding, you are expecting it to be an unforgettable and first-rate event. Unfortunately, the preparation process can be spoilt by the following kinds of wedding fraud:

The Non-existent Vendors

You hire a professional (a photographer, a florist, a…


Added by Elina Sivak on September 30, 2020 at 11:00am — No Comments

Tips for Stunning Fall Wedding Photography

Fall is a beautiful season for a wedding. With perfect cooler temperatures and brilliant colors everywhere, it's hard to imagine a finer setting for your big today. As with any season, fall offers both advantages and challenges for wedding photographers. As you prepare for your upcoming fall weddings, brush up on a few key photography tips from Melbourne professional wedding photographer - Lavan Photography.…


Added by Simon Hopes on September 28, 2020 at 3:51am — No Comments

Wedding Photography and Wedding Videography Service for A Stylish British Couple in Llandudno and in Conwy, North Wales

What a charming bride, a mother of her little angels and bride to her stylish husband! We were in Conwy, North Wales because of taking photos and video clips for this lovely couple.

The bride has required a special fashionable wedding shoot during her couple portrait session on the wedding day. We love challenges and do have experiences in dealing with fashion shoots. We have drew mood board, brought special lighting to create a on location mini studio experience for them! The result…


Added by Forever Love Wedding Photography on August 19, 2020 at 6:20pm — No Comments

10 Spots Perfect For London Elopements:

Elopement sounds like an old term. In 2020, it means smaller intimate wedding. You don’t have to hide it from parents, afraid that you will get disapproval. (Unless you are a celebrity who wants some privacy?) And the best thing, yes, it is Covid-proof! Most people also think elopement equals to ‘adventure shoot’, have to be done in the country side, stand on a lake or on top of a mountain with back packs, thanks to social media! But it is not necessary. An urban elopement can be equally fun…


Added by Forever Love Wedding Photography on August 1, 2020 at 5:32pm — No Comments

Post Lockdown Survival Guide For Grooms And Brides: How To Organise Multi-Days Wedding? – About Rundown|關於婚禮程序

在傳統文化婚禮中以及對於其家庭成員來自不同國家的夫婦來說,舉行兩到幾天的慶祝活動是見怪不怪。 現在由於場地上允許的賓客數量的限制,您可能希望把婚禮慶典的後半部分安排在另一天舉行。 我們為很多多天婚禮服務,希望以下的小點子能幫助到在禁閉解除後馬上結婚的新人。

In cultural weddings and for couples’ whose family members based in different countries, it is common to have two or a few days celebrations. Due to limitation for number of guests allowed in venues, you may want to have a separate day for the second half of the wedding celebration. We have came across a lot of multi-days weddings, and here are some tips for…


Added by Forever Love Wedding Photography on June 26, 2020 at 12:42pm — No Comments

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