Get More Bridal Leads with Your Website {Sponsored}

Wedding Professionals:

For many of you, your main goal is to get brides to your website and then to have them contact you. One of the best ways to ensure that your website is producing the most possible bridal leads is to take a closer look at your website and to follow the steps below.

  1. Make a great first impression. Just as you would if you met someone for the first time in person, your website should establish trust with brides as soon as they arrive. To achieve this, ensure that your website looks professional and that the wording is positive. Your wording should speak to visitors in an appropriate, professional voice. Keep things simple, so that you don't overwhelm visitors. And have a friend proofread your website to make sure that there are no spelling or grammatical errors. Doing all of this will encourage brides to stay on your website longer.
  2. Give clear and concise descriptions of the benefits that you offer. Think about a bride’s pain points (or needs) and make sure that the benefits that you outline clearly address those points. In an obvious way, make sure that you answer the question: What’s in it for me? It is also a good idea to have a FAQ that addresses common questions that brides have about your service. By providing all of this compelling information and by answering a bride’s questions ahead of time, you are encouraging her to continue to interact with you.
  3. Include images of people. This is especially important if you are providing a service. Photos of you and your staff on your ‘About Us’ page will give your business a human face. I highly recommend that you use professional head-shots to convey a look that is trustworthy and credible. You might even want to include a short video with a welcome message for brides. Another BridalTweet member, Lucky Designs, used a company called TurnHere to produce a video that gives an overview of their stationery business.
  4. Tell a bride what you want her to do. When a bride arrives at one of your website pages, the wording should make it very clear as to what you want her to do. This is referred to as the call-to-action. Whether the call-to-action is “contact us for a free consultation,” “learn more,” or “tell a friend,” brides should have no doubt what they are supposed to do next on your website. Use the color, style, and position of the “call-to-action” to help make sure it is completely obvious to brides.
  5. Make it easy for a bride to contact you. It is extremely important to give brides multiple options for contacting you. This includes a phone number, email address, Facebook address, BridalTweet address, etc. Each bride will have her own preferred way of communicating with you – and you need to give her all of those choices. Be sure to prominently include your phone number as well as a link to your contact page on every page of your website. You should also include this information in the footer of your website. Brides should not have to search hard for a way to get in contact with you.

  6. Use a form to capture email addresses. I'm always telling BridalTweet vendors how wonderful Constant Contact is. You can use their service to capture email addresses from your website using a Join Our Email List box. You can easily customize the box with different styles to best match your website. Styles include forms, button, and text links, all in a variety of colors and fonts. You can even send an auto-reply welcome message to brides acknowledging that you received their inquiry. (Bonus! Here's a FREE 60-Day Trial if you'd like to give Constant Contact a try.)

  7. Respond to inquiries quickly. A quick response (ideally within one hour) builds confidence and trust. This is also the best way to capture a bride’s full attention before she changes her mind or finds another wedding professional.
  8. Provide information during each phase of a bride's decision cycle. This will guide a bride from one phase of her decision cycle to another. You are the wedding expert, so tell her what she needs to know. She will be grateful that you did.

Even if you are really good at what you do, it can be hard to generate bridal leads. Make sure that your website is working for you. Take the time to evaluate whether it is building trust and motivating brides to take action. And it's always a good idea to ask other wedding professionals and even brides whether your website meets the eight steps listed above.

Do you have any tips for capturing bridal leads on your website? If so, please comment below.

About This Blog: Christine Dyer is the Creator and Founder of BridalTweet. Christine has an MBA in marketing and shares over ten years of marketing expertise with the wedding community. In this weekly blog, you'll find advice on an array of wedding business topics such as how to market to brides, social networking, wedding PR, wedding sales, vendor networking, branding, pricing and much more. Please pass this news along to your own professional wedding network. To receive this advice in your email inbox each week, Sign Up for a Free BridalTweet Membership.

Views: 659

Comment by DJ Bri Swatek on December 22, 2010 at 9:42pm
Fantastic ideas Christine.  I think #3 is especially important for DJs--brides and grooms are less interested in what gear we use than in how we will make their vision a reality.  Images of happy brides and grooms and guests in a variety of settings are really important in terms of a customer seeing themselves in your advertising.
Comment by gifted... Box Company on February 8, 2011 at 3:27pm
Wow - Great information that we ALL need to follow!  Hard to find people who have the time to evaluate sites just to give advice and info.  We would be ever so grateful for suggestions & advice about our website and the message we're sending when someone visits...
Comment by Deborah Camara on February 10, 2011 at 5:32pm
Thank you for this information. I will be in touch with Constant Contact soon.
Comment by Lequisha Smith on February 12, 2011 at 4:04pm
Yes, what I recently learned and what I like to add to this informative topic is: Keeping your customers wanting more, keep them engaged with something that keeps them returning to your web-site. Such as tips and advice, blogging, (mabey on a wkly. basis), run a contest where someone can win something, customers love FREE things! Just anything that you can think of that may keep them coming back and telling someone else about your services. If they continually return to your web-site it will make them hard to forget about what services you offer. Most likely they will either be a new customer or a returning customer.
Comment by Laura Fazekas on May 26, 2011 at 2:27pm
This is awesome thanks!
Comment by Chitra on May 26, 2011 at 4:51pm

...what a fantastic article Christine, thank you so much :))

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