5 Tips for Using Those Wedding Gift Cards Efficiently on Quality Items

Wedding gift cards have become the go-to gift item of choice for many gift-givers. This is especially true if the person giving you the gift card must send his/ her gift to you by mail. Gift cards are easy to ship and very flexible. For you as the gift recipient, getting these cards can be very welcome, indeed. They allow you to buy items that you might have left off your wedding registry list. They also allow you to purchase items that you can’t quite afford right now but that you really need.

If you have received a number of gift cards and are looking for ways to most effectively use them, here are some practical ways to get started.

Stock up the Bathroom

Have you ever noticed that you can’t find a good bandage when you need one? Or some peroxide? What about hypoallergenic lotion? Or substitute whatever you normally run out of or can’t find in the bathroom, and you get the idea. Wedding gift cards give you the opportunity to purchase these items in one fell swoop. This is a good thing because people often forget to put them on their shopping list until it’s too late.

Bulk Food Items

Kitchen items, like flour, dry pasta and beans, canned goods, and other foodstuffs that are staple food items can be spendy to buy all at once. However, so many recipes call for a cup of flour or a teaspoon of honey that Money Crashers recommends you keep these items on hand.

This problem is solved if you have a couple hundred dollars worth of gift cards. You can stock your cupboards just in time for the fall and winter cooking seasons. Doing so saves you money in the long run because shopping in bulk allows you to cook from scratch, which saves money.

Cookware and Dishes

Speaking of cooking, many couples have dishes and pots and pans that can only be described as Early Salvation Army. Those wedding gift cards offer you the perfect opportunity to buy some quality, long-lasting cookware like a Weston Table copper saucepan or tea kettle or some MacKenzie Childs plates or placemats. If your kitchenware is looking tired and chipped, use some of your gift card cash to replace it.

Towels, Wash Cloths, and Linens

It seems like there is always a set of towels or bed sheets that need washing. That’s to be expected. However, this can be a problem if you only have one or two sets and you don’t have time to launder them before you have to make the bed. The same goes for towels. Wedding gift cards help you stock up on these items, giving you a bit of a breather between wash cycles.

Thank-You Gifts for Your Parents

A couple’s parents will very often foot the bill for the wedding, and it seems as if there isn’t a very good way to thank them for their sacrifices. Wedding gift cards allow you to treat your parents to a nice dinner out, plus some small gifts, like a bottle of their favorite wine or a copy of their favorite movie on DVD.

Though you may not think of using your gift cards in this way, this can be one of the best, most efficient ways to convey your gratitude toward your parents for their help.

Final Words on Using Gift Cards Efficiently

Wedding gift cards can be a lifesaver for many couples. These compact-sized gifts are often the way that couples will buy themselves new dishes, bulk food items, or an evening out with their parents. The key to using them efficiently is to take stock of your household and figure out how these cards can help you get your home stocked up with the items you need the most.

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