Emma Sturgis's Blog (109)

4 Backyard Wedding Ideas You Can't Do At A Venue

A wedding is one of the more joyous occasions that one can partake in during a lifetime. It is a mixture of a celebration of life and a future that is to follow with the person you love. It is also a time that is months and even years in the planning. Many people struggle over where to actually have a wedding, looking for just that perfect venue. In…


Added by Emma Sturgis on February 14, 2019 at 1:36pm — No Comments

5 Unexpected Gifts You Wish You Had In Your Wedding Registry

Wedding registries often contain a common pool of gifts that usually end up in the storage spaces of brides and grooms, collecting dust in the "forgotten" section of their home. While the sentiment of these long-forgotten gifts is much appreciated, it would be a lot wiser to add to your registry things that are much more useful to you instead. What's…


Added by Emma Sturgis on January 15, 2019 at 12:49pm — No Comments

5 Unexpected Gifts You Wish You Had In Your Wedding Registry

Wedding registries often contain a common pool of gifts that usually end up in the storage spaces of brides and grooms, collecting dust in the "forgotten" section of their home. While the sentiment of these long-forgotten gifts is much appreciated, it would be a lot wiser to add to your registry things that are much more useful to you instead. What's…


Added by Emma Sturgis on January 15, 2019 at 12:49pm — No Comments

4 Wedding Favors That Your Guests Will Actually Appreciate

Here is an ugly truth to help make your wedding day beautiful for everyone: wedding guests often hate the wedding favors couples give out. At the next wedding reception you attend, take a look around as the reception dies down and guests start to dwindle. See all those personalized bottles of bubbles left sitting around? They're still there because no…


Added by Emma Sturgis on January 14, 2019 at 4:26pm — No Comments

Nuptial Know-How: 4 Mistakes to Avoid When Hosting a Backyard Wedding

Many couples choose to be married in their own backyard, or in the backyard of a friend or family member. While this can be a great way to save money, there are some common problems that couples need to think through before agreeing to this solution. Here are four mistakes to avoid when hosting a backyard wedding. 

Ill-Prepared for Inclement…


Added by Emma Sturgis on January 14, 2019 at 2:36pm — No Comments

Honeymoon Surprise- 5 Overlooked Conversations You Should Have With Your Fiancé

You found your other half, popped the question, and got a yes, which is great, but there may be a few things you are overlooking. It is easy to overlook some vital conversations in the midst of such excitement and happiness. Do not fret, the following are five overlooked conversations you should have. …


Added by Emma Sturgis on December 12, 2018 at 5:00pm — No Comments

How to Have Open Communication with Your Spouse after the Wedding

Communication is the key for any good relationship, and now that you are married it is much more important. The problem is that some subjects are a little hard to bring up for a number of reasons. The following is a guide to help you stay as open as you can be with your spouse.…


Added by Emma Sturgis on October 15, 2018 at 4:38pm — No Comments

A Bride’s Guide to Surviving the Week Before the Big Day

The big day is just one week out. Your wedding plan book is falling apart with all of the double and triple checking you’ve been doing. Let these last minute tips give you some insight into what your final week should look like before you say “I do!”

The Clothes

Now is the time to go pick up your tux and gown for the wedding day. Make sure you and the…


Added by Emma Sturgis on May 30, 2018 at 4:04pm — No Comments

The Perfect Ring: 4 Engagement Ring Stone Alternatives to Diamonds

Diamonds aren’t the right stone for everyone, no matter how many people declare them their best friends. Fortunately, diamonds are far from the only option. There are plenty of easy-to-find stones offer amazing color and shine to make any engagement ring special. Here are four diamond alternatives to help you choose the gem that best fits…


Added by Emma Sturgis on April 16, 2018 at 1:41pm — No Comments

White Dress: How to Plan the Perfect Wedding without Breaking the Bank

Weddings can be pretty expensive but that does not mean you do not want one. The key is to figure out a way to make your wedding more affordable. The following are a few suggestions that may help you plan this wedding without breaking the bank along the way.

Exchange Gifts for Help

One thing you can do to try…


Added by Emma Sturgis on March 28, 2018 at 1:38pm — No Comments

Planning Priorities: 4 Main Needs for Your Wedding Reception

Planning a wedding reception requires some forethought. Key members of the bride’s party as well as the groom’s men will be expected to take care of some important responsibilities. The list can get long, and some tasks can be easily forgotten, unless they’re planned for ahead of time.

If you’re planning your wedding, here are four of the main responsibilities…


Added by Emma Sturgis on December 28, 2017 at 2:49pm — No Comments

Eat, Drink and Be Married: Catering Tips to Consider for Your Wedding

Food and beverages are going to be a major component of your wedding, and the catering could take up quite a bit of your budget if you aren’t careful. The meal is going to set the tone for the rest of your reception, and you should spend a little extra time deciding what you are going to serve and how you are going to serve it. These few tips will help you plan the…


Added by Emma Sturgis on November 2, 2017 at 1:48pm — No Comments

Furniture Fanatic: 3 Moving Methods To Minimize Damage

Moving in together after getting married is exciting and can also be stressful. You’re practically uprooting your entire life, putting it in the back of a van, and hauling it to an unfamiliar location. It gets even worse if you have valuable furniture that you don’t want to damage. Fortunately, there are ways to pack even the most delicate living room set that should…


Added by Emma Sturgis on October 30, 2017 at 3:09pm — No Comments

Wedding Wellness: 4 Strategies To Handle Alcohol Responsibly At Your Reception

Image Source: Pexels

When planning your wedding, you'll have to decide what to do about alcohol. You may choose to have a dry wedding, in which case no alcohol will be served. Some of your guests…


Added by Emma Sturgis on August 1, 2017 at 1:16pm — No Comments

4 Unexpected Honeymoon Destinations That Won't Break The Bank

Image Source: Pexels

Your honeymoon is a time when you can enjoy learning more about your new spouse. It's a time to relax after all of the wedding planning and celebrating with family and friends. Some newlyweds spend quite a bit of…


Added by Emma Sturgis on July 18, 2017 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Ditch the Clichés: 3 Fantastic Gifts Newlyweds Will Actually Use

Image Source: Pexels

You’ve just received an invitation to a shower and/or a wedding. You’re really looking forward to going. So, what will you give the couple? The invitation indicates that they’re…


Added by Emma Sturgis on June 29, 2017 at 1:05pm — No Comments

Summer Wedding: 4 Ingenious Beauty Tips For Your Big Day

Sunny summer weddings allow couples to wear more revealing clothing to show off their best physical attributes. As a result, many couples decide to perform cosmetic changes to enhance their appearance. To look fantastic on your wedding day, follow these four beauty tips:


Color Your Hair

A lot of brides and grooms hesitate to color their hair…


Added by Emma Sturgis on June 6, 2017 at 6:37pm — 1 Comment

Reception Reasoning: 3 Safety Hazards To Look Out For When Planning Your Wedding Celebration

It only takes one health and safety incident at a wedding reception to ruin a newly married couple's special day. Many couples fail to consider reception dangers like location maintenance problems, dangerous decorations, open flames and extremely young and elderly guests when making plans. Consider the following:


Fall Hazards



Added by Emma Sturgis on May 15, 2017 at 12:53pm — No Comments

Blushing Bride: 4 Beauty Tips So You'll Glow For The Big Day

Wedding bells are ringing, it's the best day of your life, and you're center stage— you want to be flawless. From your head to the tips of your toes, every detail that's perfectly executed will lend you extra radiance for your big debut. Make sure you've got every little thing checked off with this quick list.


Tweak Your Skincare Regimen



Added by Emma Sturgis on October 27, 2016 at 1:51pm — No Comments

Accessories Matter: Tips For Finding The Best Jewelry To Complement Your Dress

Finding the wedding dress of your dreams can be a challenge, but so can accessorizing it with the right jewelry. These elements complete your wedding day look and should be chosen with the same level of discernment as your dress. Follow these tips to pick the best jewelry for your special day.


Match Metals to Your Dress

When it comes to…


Added by Emma Sturgis on June 21, 2016 at 4:15pm — No Comments

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