Kerryn Tippett's Blog (177)

business in profile: the paper couturiere

Kez is a young Newcastle Marriage Celebrant


Your Name: Autumn Du Pré

Location: Melbourne Vic

Your Job: Owner of The Paper Couturière

How long have you been in business? I've been… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on December 8, 2009 at 11:04pm — No Comments

visualise your wedding

taken from

Kez is a young marriage celebrant in Newcastle

If you have had your head in the sand you may not have heard about "The Secret" and the art of manifestation. In short it's a bit like "if you think it, it will come" with the idea that generating positive thoughts and focusing your energies on the thing you really want - will make it happen or appear.

get board with your wedding

If that sounds… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on December 7, 2009 at 6:08am — No Comments

how to be a good wife

Kez is a Young Newcastle Marriage Celebrant

Whether fake or real this email has circulated the globe a number of times. Apparently, it is from the 1950's Good Housekeeping Magazine and offers women advise on how to be a good housewife.

  • Have dinner ready. Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal ready, on time for his…

Added by Kerryn Tippett on December 2, 2009 at 4:05pm — No Comments

vogue your wedding

Kez is a young marriage celebrant

I was walking through the Stockland shopping centre, about to hit Banjo's for lunch and I was thinking about wedding inspiration. Where to find it ?

Which of course is a lyric in Madonna's Vogue... and she's a stylish lady. Then I started singing the rest of the song (in my head of course) and got to the bit which lists stylist celebs by the… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on December 2, 2009 at 12:44am — No Comments

wherefore art thou Romeo?

Kez is a young Newcastle marriage celebrant

One of the amazing thing about being a marriage celebrant is hearing the different stories about how people met and fell in love.

It's also comforting for those singletons out there to hear that "nice boys" don't just go to church like our mums would have us believe. Every couple has their own unique touching story to… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on December 1, 2009 at 5:59am — No Comments

momento photobook software

Kez is a young Newcastle marriage celebrant

So I've already blogged about Hubby and I choosing to do a lot of things differently when it came to getting wed.

One such thing was we decided...or more to the point I did, and he agreed, was to create our own wedding coffee book.

(See we were so ready for married life. He was already agreeing with everything I said. Every… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on November 29, 2009 at 6:03am — No Comments

Congratulations Jenny and Shane
Kez is a young Newcastle marriage celebrant

Shane and Jenny

Married at twilight in Terrigal with close friends and family nearby. Lots of tears and laughter and love.

Added by Kerryn Tippett on November 29, 2009 at 12:41am — No Comments

fine day for a photo

Kez is a young Newcastle marriage Celebrant

Merry Christmas blog-reading brides!

My dear friend Luke from One Fine Day Photography has an amazing offer going on his website and I thought it too good not to share.


Deal #1: $75 off family portrait sessions, with $100 extra print credit

Deal #2:… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on November 26, 2009 at 9:05pm — No Comments

hey mr dj

taken from Kez is a young Newcastle marriage celebrant

hold the cheese

We've all been at weddings, work parties, birthdays and clubs where the DJ has been soo cheesey you almost get a kidney stone. So what are the best options when it comes to the music at your wedding and reception?

Loving Live

Live music can make the wedding reception one pumping party. Given the right song… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on November 25, 2009 at 10:28pm — No Comments

crock of what? (wedding desserts) is a Newcastle marriage celebrant. 0402216597

Thanks to last nights episode of Masterchef I am now officially in love with the Croquembouche

This French pastry delight is an amazing culinary masterpiece and an architectural nightmare. Needless to say it would be an impressive addition to your wedding… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on November 24, 2009 at 8:53pm — 2 Comments

the worst thing about weddings (bridal hindsight #8)

taken from Kez is a young Newcastle marriage celebrant

My wedding is officially over! Done.. kaput... finito.

This weekend I rested an exhausted and somewhat funky tasting tongue as I put the last thank you card in the post.

With all honesty I can tell you that Thank you cards are the grey cloud that hang over the beautiful blue wedding sky. It's not that I am ungrateful… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on November 22, 2009 at 8:11pm — 1 Comment

wedding blog log

Kez is a young Newcastle marriage celebrant and blogger at

Some of the online resources I frequent and refer to for research, ideas and just for fun.

Plan Your Special Day within the industry of Weddings, Events and Formals, this website has the aim to provide some unique and creative products…


Added by Kerryn Tippett on November 18, 2009 at 11:52pm — No Comments

how to have a twilight wedding

Kez is a young Newcastle marriage celebrant


The obvious answer is to have the guests split into two groups : Team Edward (Vampire) and Team Jacob (Werewolf) and have loads of fun dressing up... but what I actually meant was:

How to have a wedding at twilight (although I have had inspiration for a themed wedding blog later one)

There are a couple of… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on November 17, 2009 at 4:51pm — No Comments

alls fair in love and weddings

taken from Kez is a young Newcastle marriage celebrant

I have some wonderful contacts in the wedding industry with whom I share stories, problem solve and generally rave about how fab it is to be involved in one of the happiest days of a person's life.

That said, I was a little distressed for a close friend of mine who is a wedding planner when I noticed on her facebook page that she was… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on November 16, 2009 at 3:10am — No Comments

wedding superstitions

taken from Kez is a young Newcastle marriage celebrant 0402 216 597

(no surprise I have Stevie Wonder in my head now… )

Whether you believe in omens, superstitions, good luck or bad luck there is no doubt that any couple wants a perfect wedding day which may explain why weddings are so full of traditions meant to ward off evil and bring health and happiness to the… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on November 12, 2009 at 10:31pm — No Comments

the best venue in town

taken from Kez is a young Newcastle marriage celebrant

I have already raved about the amazing Carlee - function coordinator extraordinaire. Now I will actually tell you why the Newcastle Club were such a perfect venue for our wedding.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the Club they are situated on Newcomen Street in… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on November 12, 2009 at 2:16am — No Comments

i sue, i sue, i sue

taken from Contact kez at . Kez is a young newcastle marriage celebrant.

is it getting out of hand?

"Death do us part" is a flowery way of legally committing yourself to double time at the accountant trying to find tax deductibles for couples. Now it seems "I do" may soon be "I sue" with contracts and agreements becoming as important as matching flowergirl sashes with napkins.

Hard to believe? Bridesmaid…


Added by Kerryn Tippett on November 10, 2009 at 9:40pm — No Comments

bridal advice

Taken from Kez is a young newcastle marriage celebrant. Contact her or on 0402 216 597

a helping hand

Ask any bride who's been married 5 mins to 50 years about their wedding and they will most likely use the phrase "If I had to do it again, I would do everything differently". Given time, and some hindsight, the most haenous bridezilla can become a calm rational being and reflect on her wedding day with some… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on November 9, 2009 at 6:35pm — 1 Comment

i do... now what do i do...

taken from Kez is a young Newcastle marriage celebrant. Email her or call 0402216597

Congratulations, you're engaged!

First things first - kiss that gorgeous fiancé of yours and tell them that you love them.

Maintaining constant physical and emotional connection with your partner is going to be so important over the coming months leading up to your big… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on November 8, 2009 at 6:23pm — No Comments

like rain on your wedding day

taken from Kez is a young Newcastle based marriage celebrant. Contact her on

Alanis Morisette had it wrong. Not only did she completely misinterpret the meaning of Irony.. she has completely mislead you as to the significance of rain on your wedding day.

Given it is absolutely pouring here in Newcastle (In November?? Maybe I should be writing blogs on the effect of Global Warming on… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on November 7, 2009 at 6:56pm — No Comments

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